The love/hate thread.

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Yeah its complete shit. How good Aliens was, and how good Predator was, put them together, how can you make such a crap film?

a Predator gets his ass handed to him by a fucking alien.

The actors (ex basketball my pals types probably) in the Predator suits did a horrible job. Kevin Peter Hall in Predator I and II did a perfect job in the movements and everything.

they sort of took stuff from the books/comics. just the wrong stuff.

fucking dumb that the Predators were the "gods" in the ancient world.

It should have taken place in the future on a different planet.

shitty ass actors (Bishop!!! wtf!)

The film itself is shitty. Stop using all this crystal clear perfect looking film. Its a horror/sci fi/action movie... make it gritty!!!
I think if we called them nomads instead of "illegal immigrants" nobody would give a shit.
Yeah, since I'm on probation and get drug tested I can't smoke weed anymore. But today I was happy to discover that shrooms don't show up on standard urine drug tests. So until next march, shrooms are my drug of choice. I will probaby begin a once or twice a week regimen, since your body builds a natrual tolerance to it after you take it that lasts four-to-something days.

First trip tonight. Shall be fun. Perhaps I shall take a video for you all to laugh at?
I tried pot (via that Turkish bubbly thing) once when I visited my cousin's dorm in Chicago last October. It didn't feel much different than being drunk, so I figured its not worth it and alcohol is less deleterious to health.
My mother's side of the family is suceptable to addiction, so I won't take my chances. Plus weed leads to other drugs, and I'd rather get high on metal than on illegal substances (especially from a financial standpoint).
I smoke weed on and off. I need to have some beers after now. Smoking after you get drunk is so psychedelic.
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