The love/hate thread.

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I just realised that every time I look at your avatar, I find myself wondering what the fuck that thing is. It looks like some kind of creepy undead viking scorpion. I can't really fit it into any convenient mental box.

I just realised that every time I look at your avatar, I find myself wondering what the fuck that thing is. It looks like some kind of creepy undead viking scorpion. I can't really fit it into any convenient mental box.

I love that I'm making more than that every week. :p

It's taken me fuckin' like ... 2 years to make 1000 dollars.

1. I got fired from my first job for some bullshit reason and I only had the job for 3 months anyways so I only made 500 from there
2. I didn't have a job for like a fuckin' year.
3. I spent 400 dollars on this computer
4. I then got a new job
5. I buy CDs occasionally
6. Minimum wage is shit but whatever

I hate the fucking library - working there makes me hate it when I used to love it
I am about to get a job in the summer that should pay me 1000 - 1300 a month

hopefully soon I can get a job for 13-16 per hour (office job prolly) and start making 2 G's a month
I need to get a job real fuckin' soon. I just need to find some place that won't make me chop my hair off and thus make me lose my ultimate power.
It seems as though you have Darkthrone in your signature. I'm listening to Darkthrone right now. I love Darkthrone. The end.
What do you do?

Browsing the internet trying to find inexpensive cds, posting on a couple of message boards...things like that. :p

And I occasionaly chair meetings with vendors and operations manager from our technology centers concerning the servers, tape drives (for back ups), huge printer we have and mail inserters.

I'm also dealing with the maintenance contracts and buying contracts of these things. And there's maybe 10 groups of so that report to me every day and I have to produce a daily report that gets sent to higher management so they're aware of what happens on the operations side. All in all not a very hard job that pays very well.

And since I have to express a feeling...I like my job. :kickass:
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