Nothing on the kit was triggered. We replaced the sounds recorded with samples that we took of the kit after the recording process. I didnt want the sound to be artificial. I like BIG sounding drums but I hate triggered maddness. The tom sounds on the album are all natural just sampled from the toms in the studio, the snare is my snare, Pearl signature ultracast 14x6.5, resampled onto itself a few times so it sounds very powerful and the kicks are a sample that I made combined with the Metallica black album kick. Very balls but very natural I love the black album production so that was kind of a base for me.
Grim and Asgeirs playing didnt really have any influence on me. Im not a copycat nor do I wish to sound like someone else with my playing. I dont believe in big shoes to fill. Ive had to fill Derek Roddy, Dave Culross and a bunch other drum gods shoes before and did it just fine but with my own style. Joining a band that is more mellow than what Im familiar with is just more fun for me as a drummer because I can either A- Completely create something fresh and beautiful on my own or B- fuck it up and not fall into the music and over play the parts. I think I served selection "A" quite well in this effort.