The making of UNIVERSAL part II- Live on the Official Borknagar Youtube channel

Ya, dude, the morning smoke + 15 minutes of me, by myself coming to terms with another day of life and becoming human again, was the best time of the day for me. After I quit drinking, I would wake up and feel fucking great and when I noticed my playing improving 1000000 times, I said "thats it, Im sober".....Then, last week I got the flu. I had a 102.2 temp, which for you overseas, is HIGH as hell....and I didnt smoke for like 4 days. Now that Im still recovering from the flu, I really dont have many cravings for any smoking what so ever. I will say, it sucks. Driving is totally different lol without a cigarette going but my lungs feel new and clean again. Im curious to see how long it lasts. I ended up losing a whole shit ton of weight which has been nice.

Regarding the Jay and Silent Bob thing, ya, that movie ruled. Seriously though, there are a ton of assholes out there, I dont let them all get under my skin. haha....fuck em

Wana hear some real shit though? Last night, I was nearly arrested for watching freight trains. Yes, Im a weirdo, I watch trains. These cops pulled up and kept me there for 30 minutes because I had a baseball bat, fire extinguisher, 2 lead pipes, large maglight flashlight, machette and axe in my truck. Now, ya, thats all just there because I carry that shit with me in my truck for protection. I live in America and I never know what I may come across. Anyhow, this dick cop couldnt just get the fact that I was hanging out by the tracks to watch trains and then my appearance seemed to dig me into a bigger hole, since I have long hair, a biker vest, Dissection shirt on and numerous "666", pentagrams and support zombie stickers on the back of my truck. They asked me if I am a terrorist or involved in terrorism. I couldnt believe it. I have no police record and of course, they knew that since they ran my name. It sucks being fucked with by cops in this country. I understand the being weary but I totally didnt give them any reason to really suspect me of anything in that nature. Lesson learned- do not carry all that shit within reach in your vehicle
That's amazing!
But will the bass be that audible on the final product?

I mean it doesn't sound like that on Origin.
Wow, I can't stay out of this forum for a few days and all hell breaks loose.

@Tyr: You did the right thing on the Det Som Engang Var situation, in my opinion.
@Dave: Congratulations on quitting smoking man, remember me to pay you a beer (unless you decide to quit drinking :lol: ). By the way, I think the machete is too much, but probably you can have an axe in yout truck I suppose. Good thing nothing happened to you.

I haven't seen the video yet, but I will do in 2 hours. I'm sure it's awesome anyway. :kickass:
Which final product are you referring to? This video was made to show what I play on that song, so of course the bass is in front soundwise.

yeah my bad, I thought it was a new song for Universal, then I realized it's actually Acclimation from Origin :goggly: So I put up that cd and listened to how it sounds.

So what I meant was, will the bass sound like that on Universal? I think it's very overpowering.
Quoting--@Dave: Congratulations on quitting smoking man, remember me to pay you a beer (unless you decide to quit drinking ). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ya, I actually quit drinking 1st so Im really boring now.

And the bass on Universal isnt like popping out but its definately not hidden. The whole sound is complete as a whole. Nothing lacks and nothing is too much. Its all very complete...hahaha, the bass playing is a whole different story. Erik's fingers look like centipede legs in the video...such relaxed and sick bass playing. Its so sick that its stupid.
lol....Ya, Im glad if someone did block this kid. He seems like a real douche bag. Its one thing to rip on a musician for technique or whatever (haha, since he's aiming it at the sickest bass player Ive ever played with) but its another thing to threaten to pirate our new album. Fuck this guy.

His quote from the Nevermore forum-
Anyway, Erik Tiwaz from Borknagar "my favorite band", if you read this, fuck you. You are by far and wide the most useless member of that band EVER and these so called "complex bass lines" "which you can barely hear", aren't even that hard to play.

By the way, I'll be pirating Universal you conceited jerk.


lol, ok, like I said, he's super cool.

That is the funniest shit I have seen on a forum board of any kind in years. I'm sure Tyr got a fucking laugh out of that.

Fuck him. 99.9999999999% of the people who post here love you guys, simply because you post here and chill with your fans. If some guy gives you an attitude, just bust out the ban. No one here cares about the occasional trolls, we just want to talk music. Cut off their internet dick and watch us not care. We just want to hear about the new album, or stories about nearly getting arrested for watching freight trains. ^_^

Edit: The dude apparently was binge drinking and high when he posted all that shit or something (see the link Tyr provided to the Nevermore forum). See Dave, you're right, drinking is bad for you!
Ahahaha! Hey Jens, since Mr. Kinkade went all healthy on me, I'll pay YOU a beer. :lol:

@Dave: Why did you quit drinking?

@Tyr: Great video man. How can you play in a fretless bass? Just practice makes perfection? I'm no musician, that's why I ask.
@Dave: Why did you quit drinking?

I quit drinking because its bad for the body to consume that shit. I did though get forced into some shots with Vader and The Amenta last night, lol, which Im going to Milwaukee in an hour to hang with them again, so I guess I havent gone completely Christian lol
Thanks man, yeah I guess it does take some practice :)

Yeah I saw the videos too. I watched part of the Nile cover, pretty amazing :kickass: .

Indeed, "practice makes perfect".

@Dave: Why did you quit drinking?

I quit drinking because its bad for the body to consume that shit. I did though get forced into some shots with Vader and The Amenta last night, lol, which Im going to Milwaukee in an hour to hang with them again, so I guess I havent gone completely Christian lol

:lol: well drinking is nice, I love beer, but not to the pointing of ending in an almost-comatose state in some drainage full of crap and vomit. I know a lot of people that drink like that, and I don't see the point to be honest. Why would you want to feel sick? :(
About the drumsound on the album. Actually, just the bassdrum is soundreplaced with Dave`s own drum. I record some hits and used them. So the snare and toms are just eq-ed and compressed, not triggered or soundreplaced. I have edit/muted out the toms instead of using the useless gates..

B. Finstad