The making of UNIVERSAL part II- Live on the Official Borknagar Youtube channel

It cracks me up how we try to do something cool for the fans and there is always 1 asshole to put their own little "Im cool so fuck you" touch on it. You are really cool man. I want to be just like you.

You said it. Take it easy. All people here is waiting for the new video, and at least for me, the whole recording process is very exciting.

As a fretless player I'm VERY interested on Erik's footage recording his basslines.
Really? I can hear the bass quite well on it and I like the overall production. In fact I've learned a good share of tracks from Empiricism just by ear like Gods of my World, Inherit the Earth, The Black Canvas, The Genuine Pulse (very fast!!) and 4 Element. On Origin is easier to recognize it anyway. I love Grains' basslines.

Maybe I should listen to it again and pay more attention :p .

You said it. Take it easy. All people here is waiting for the new video, and at least for me, the whole recording process is very exciting.

As a fretless player I'm VERY interested on Erik's footage recording his basslines.

Indeed :) , I fully agree with everything you said.
Ya, I guess its kind of hard to see my form of being a sarcastic dick on here, through letters. Its not as if Id really get that bent. Just giving back a taste of assholeishness.

Saw the next video diary. Sick.

Yeah that's the problem with written messages, there are times in which you can't really tell if the person is joking or really being an idiot.

Someone continued with his slagging on the Nevermore forum, pretty funny actually :

Oh Gott he's a bit obsessed, isn't he? I think he's jealous of your playing. He even admitted that he couldn't hear well because of the earphones for his iPod, so WTF is he complaining about? :rolleyes:
it's the way he said it. Quite disrespectful to say that in the way he did in the band's own forum
Nope, haven't banned him. I warned him though, that insulting bandmembers or any of the forum users is NOT ok. People are of course entitled to have opinions, but there are limits to what is ok and what isn't ok to say on our forum. What is it that he wanted to achieve by saying what he did in the first place? His statement was infact false, I would have been fine with it if he was right. I deemed it not really a rightful opinion, to me it sounds more like an insult. It's not like it's the first time he's been out of line either.
Nobody here is required to like me, hell, not a single one of you actually KNOW me. All that is required is a basic sense of respect towards other people. Hell, if you REALLY need to insult someone, send a pm to the one you have a beef with, no need to stir shit up here in public. BEHAVE!!!!!!!!!!!
All that is required is a basic sense of respect towards other people. Hell, if you REALLY need to insult someone, send a pm to the one you have a beef with, no need to stir shit up here in public. BEHAVE!!!!!!!!!!!
Agreed. You're free to have an opinion that contradicts the majority and you can dislike someone or something, there's just no need to express it in a rude/impolite/disrespectful way. The guy surely has balls to stand up for his opinion, i'll give him that, he just does it in a very wrong way. And that way it could have stirred an unpleasant discussion or even a quarrel here which i personally wouldn't want to see happening... I'm glad he didn't come back, and i think Erik moderates this forum quite well, i wouldn't want it to end up like the Opeth one... :cry:
If the band member bans somebody he feels insulted him in his band's forum, nothing wrong with that. I mean, when you go into somebody's house and insult the host you can expect to be thrown out of the house and rightly so. I guess it's just a matter of what you find insulting...
This is the internet, a sanctuary where people can say whatever they want without getting their ass kicked. Rude people are going to be here and moderators are the only way to keep the forum civil.
Exactly, this isn't some kind of Borknagar-worshipping sanctuary where any negative statement toward the band(members) is unheard of and should be punished immediately.
Nope, haven't banned him. I warned him though, that insulting bandmembers or any of the forum users is NOT ok. People are of course entitled to have opinions, but there are limits to what is ok and what isn't ok to say on our forum. What is it that he wanted to achieve by saying what he did in the first place? His statement was infact false, I would have been fine with it if he was right. I deemed it not really a rightful opinion, to me it sounds more like an insult. It's not like it's the first time he's been out of line either.
Nobody here is required to like me, hell, not a single one of you actually KNOW me. All that is required is a basic sense of respect towards other people. Hell, if you REALLY need to insult someone, send a pm to the one you have a beef with, no need to stir shit up here in public. BEHAVE!!!!!!!!!!!

Agreed, And quite frankly I feel it's sad you even had to type this, some people just don't get it. I like this forum because, WHILE YES WE ARE ON THE INTERNET, it's actually shielded from 99% of the bullshit you see on most other forums... I like John, but I don't want him ruining the atmosphere here. It was rude and out of line. It was more insult than opinion and that's the bottom line for anyone who sees different. Next time Erik, no need to explain your, wield the banhammer freely to preserve this place :p

NOW! Dave :lol: You teasing bastard, leak the next video already! :lol:
Exactly, this isn't some kind of Borknagar-worshipping sanctuary where any negative statement toward the band(members) is unheard of and should be punished immediately.

Ok, let's agree that this is not a Borknagar worshipping sanctuary. However, this is one of our main channels of communication with the fans of Borknagar's music, and I guess most people appreciate the contact as much as we in the band do. If things like this get out of hand, I don't see why we would be interested in keeping this forum.
I am all for freedom of speech and all that, and allthough this IS a public forum, it is Borknagars forum, and we will moderate and regulate as we see fit.

If you want to slag or insult, do it elsewhere, it will not be permitted on our forum.
Definitely, you can say when you don't like something about the band, as long as it is done in a respectful way with some basis. You can't just come here and say that everyone is a bunch of mother f*.

I've also been reprimanded by Tyr and have received the same PM with the banning warning, but I didn't make such a big deal about it, I know that moderators have to do their job. And I've met moderators who are really a pain in the ass and are idiots with members just because they're mods; at least Tyr is not like that :p .
lol....Ya, Im glad if someone did block this kid. He seems like a real douche bag. Its one thing to rip on a musician for technique or whatever (haha, since he's aiming it at the sickest bass player Ive ever played with) but its another thing to threaten to pirate our new album. Fuck this guy.

His quote from the Nevermore forum-
Anyway, Erik Tiwaz from Borknagar "my favorite band", if you read this, fuck you. You are by far and wide the most useless member of that band EVER and these so called "complex bass lines" "which you can barely hear", aren't even that hard to play.

By the way, I'll be pirating Universal you conceited jerk.


lol, ok, like I said, he's super cool.
This is the internet, a sanctuary where people can say whatever they want without getting their ass kicked. Rude people are going to be here and moderators are the only way to keep the forum civil.

hahaha, right? I wish I could sign up for the job of going door to door and kicking the shit out of everyone who earned it over the years from internet shit talk. :Puke:
I quit smoking
Awesome :lol: It sucks, but I guess in the long run it's worth it. I quit 3 years ago, sometimes I still have dreams about it... nothing in life will ever beat a nice coffee and a cigarette in the morning.

lol....Ya, Im glad if someone did block this kid. He seems like a real douche bag. Its one thing to rip on a musician for technique or whatever (haha, since he's aiming it at the sickest bass player Ive ever played with) but its another thing to threaten to pirate our new album. Fuck this guy.

His quote from the Nevermore forum-
Anyway, Erik Tiwaz from Borknagar "my favorite band", if you read this, fuck you. You are by far and wide the most useless member of that band EVER and these so called "complex bass lines" "which you can barely hear", aren't even that hard to play.

By the way, I'll be pirating Universal you conceited jerk.


lol, ok, like I said, he's super cool.

Well, :lol: John (the kid in question), is a very troubled guy. I know him from another forum... and well, I have no clue why the fuck he'd alienate himself on the forum of a band I KNOW he loves... he's acting like a prick and there's no real excuse for it. But like I said, this place usually is free of all that bullshit so if it takes banning his ass to keep it that way if he doesn't take the warning than so be it.

I LOL'd at his last comment... like you give a shit if he pirates it :lol: SO HURTFUL!

hahaha, right? I wish I could sign up for the job of going door to door and kicking the shit out of everyone who earned it over the years from internet shit talk. :Puke:

:lol: Like the scene at the end of Jay and SIlent Bob strike back. You buy the plane tickets and I'll join you.

Skip to 4:40
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hahaha, right? I wish I could sign up for the job of going door to door and kicking the shit out of everyone who earned it over the years from internet shit talk. :Puke:

Can I join you? It could be like the two-Dave internet patrol...and it would give me something to use my SGC bass for, since the sound makes it not worth playing. The sound of thrashing people with it would be much more lovely.