the mars volta

annt said:
Yes, but I don't go around bragging about it or slagging off people who aren't. And I consider myself quite healthy, thank you.

i'm just fuckin around man...i have a friend who recently went vegetarian, and i always give him shit for being some way, that made me write the last few posts.

i love a lot of vegetarian dishes...and i love boca patties. i had them once and they were amazing, especially with mustard....but i am such a powerful man that my favorite food is a rib-eye steak with a baked potato.
just a question annt...why are you a vegetarian.
I have a (female) friend who is a vegetarian that doesn't eat meat because cows are "cute."

thankx -vinty- ...we were getting off topic.
yah i know...its just funny to think that people judge that way...but then, when those same people joke around about dropping a nuke in iraq, it suddenly becomes not funny....

oh shit, i did it again.
Braighs said:
just a question annt...why are you a vegetarian.
I have a (female) friend who is a vegetarian that doesn't eat meat because cows are "cute."

thankx -vinty- ...we were getting off topic.

that is cute...admit it, within some deep and pathetic little part of your mind...(this is all if she is attractive to you) that warms your heart.:blush:
Braighs said:
just a question annt...why are you a vegetarian.
I have a (female) friend who is a vegetarian that doesn't eat meat because cows are "cute."

thankx -vinty- ...we were getting off topic.

Well, I wouldn't want to spend rest of the night (well, it's already 5:30 AM here, but anyway) on this subject, because it takes time to explain it wholly, but here are a few reasons:

-Industrialized meat production causes the (millions of) animals to suffer horrible things
-Industralized meat production uses up ten times more resources than vegetable production, as I said earlier
-Vegetarianism is healthy: check
Quote: "It is the position of the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada that appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases."
-Cows are cute. :grin:
annt said:
I don't understand how someone can have a problem with another person having a diet that is healthy, doesn't require killing and uses up natural resources ten times less than meat production.

What the fuck? And you listen to metal?:cry: :yuk: :yell:
np: Korpiklanni - Hunting song

We run after meat as the possessed
and we kill without pity
we rejoice and we laugh when the deer falls
hunting's more than just killing for the food.

Hunting is going on
we are a part of the wilderness

Hunting ist going on
only the fast will survive
Away they will not get, those four legged
not even the smallest one
we live in the forest here only fast ones live
only strongest will survive

yeah, vegetarianism is sooo not metal

...or would you be OK with non-industrialized meat?
np: Refused - Jag äter inte mina vänner

Djuren, djuren är människor
Katter är människor
Hundar är människor

Hästar, hästar är människor
Apor är människor
Kossor är människor

Och människor ska vara vänner
Det finns inga ”dom” bara ”vi”
Det finns nåt vackert i allting som föds

Så jag äter inte mina vänner
för de är en del av mig -
som jag vill leva med och växa med
i all evighet

Tanken, tanken är människor
Fåglar är människor
Elefanter är människor

Råttor, råttor är människor
Ormar är människor
Lammet är människa

Och lammet ska leka med hajar
när freden blir mer än ett ord
Ja, det du äter ska döma din själ.

Så jag äter inte mina vänner
för de är en del av mig –
som jag vill leva med och växa med
i all evighet

Hur kan vi vara fridfulla
när vi skapar sån misär
Hur kan vi vara kärleksfulla
när vi kärleken förtär

Låt sanningen bli du
och kärleken, och kärleken vara nu

Jag äter inte mina vänner
och alla är mina vänner x 3

Jag äter inte mina vänner
för de är en del av oss

I'd translate it - but fuck yas. At least annt can understand ;)

Yeah ok, so Refused aren't metal.. meh..
^ so is homosexuality, end of story.

Edit - I don't have a problem with vegetarians, and I tend to avoid homos. hard feelings.
Braighs said:
^ so is homosexuality, end of story.

Edit - I don't have a problem with vegetarians, and I tend to avoid homos. hard feelings.

Exactly. Burn vegetarians and homos!
Braighs said:
and being gay is wrong in many ways...

Just read this bit.....that's a sucky view man. It's that kind of prejudice that makes the world suck....

Disappointed to see it on this forum, I thought we were all open minded here....

PS, how do you figure that one anyway?
I don't look down on people just for being gay. I just see most of them as obsessed with fashion and stuff. and its something that I don't understand. I consider myself somewhat intellectual, and if I can't figure something out, I get pissed off and blame them for inventing a feeling that doesn't really exist. And it doesn't seem to be adaptive from an evolutionary standpoint. Its not productive, and it spreads aids and shit. OK? did I go up?

oh...and have you ever seen gay animals...its not natural...why do people go against their nature?
Braighs said:
I don't look down on people just for being gay. I just see most of them as obsessed with fashion and stuff. and its something that I don't understand. I consider myself somewhat intellectual, and if I can't figure something out, I get pissed off and blame them for inventing a feeling that doesn't really exist. And it doesn't seem to be adaptive from an evolutionary standpoint. Its not productive, and it spreads aids and shit. OK? did I go up?

No. :lol:

1) All of those opinions are fuelled by stereotypes.
2) If you can't have empathy for a situation from which you are free, maybe you're not that deep (intellect isn't everything).
3) Have you ever thought that, from an evolutionary standpoint, homosexuality may be a way of ensuring the world doesn't become over-populated?

Sorry, number 2 sounds pretty harsh, but I just feel like if anything's shallow it's the basis of this prejudice. Sorry for gettin all heated about it, but I hate prejudice.

I despise it, in all of it's potential forms!

Would you like it if people judged you for being who you are?

Plus, the 'feeling that doesn't really exist' thing really pissed me off :lol:

I don't wanna start some kind of blazing fight, I'm just passionate about the whole issue :)