The Most Metal Thing Ever

Bring these guys to play at his house...

get him a gift and wrap it in razor wire and watch his joy as he attempts to extricate it from the razors...blood-splattered fun for the whole family, you'll enjoy watching your friends bleed from the hands for hours, nothing like watching a cherished loved one shrivel into a bloodless corpse like a raisin, or how about your pet, make sparky your golden retriever into sparky, the headstone in the back yard
get him a gift and wrap it in razor wire and watch his joy as he attempts to extricate it from the razors...blood-splattered fun for the whole family, you'll enjoy watching your friends bleed from the hands for hours, nothing like watching a cherished loved one shrivel into a bloodless corpse like a raisin, or how about your pet, make sparky your golden retriever into sparky, the headstone in the back yard


Get him a really cool old burzum record or something. He could hang it up on his wall. I would :kickass:
The worship of individuals in music is grossly overrated.
Hail Varg, hail Quorthon, hail Swano, hail fuck know who else

The music is what's truly important. The people behind it are probably complete nutcases who simply channel their insanity into writing music

That's a good point. Most musicians are insane even outside of metal.