The New album is called Watershed : Out June 2nd

If you wait a while on the main page, it shows the new artwork after zooming out. (It starts out zoomed in very close)

The special edition... hopefully it comes out at the same time as the regular edition, and features the documentary + all the covers! That would be great.

June is super far away! Sitting in college for 5 hours straight in one room is torture, especially when the cheapo chairs give you major back pain. I've got so much to do and my sister's getting married in May, so yeah... June for me feels like it's years away. :)
I don't think so. If I recall correctly, he has an Opeth-fanclub, so it's not impossible that he received a promo copy of Watershed + nothing in the review sounds improbable or far-fetched :)

hey thanks for believing in me :D
by the way, yesterday i met mikael and fredrik for an interview and a meeting with fans in milan.
[sorry for the blurry pics :)]




there were not so many people, but we had a good time and keep things as secret as possible for a next issue of my opeth fanzine [i don't have a fan club, but just a paper magazine... similar and inspired by PT's carbon nation].
hopefully it will be about the new album, and will feature english+italian content, so all the world can read it...
