The nicest thing that's happened to you lately

lets see...a frat boy ran a red light and almost hit my car, then got out and yelled at me like it was my fault. A friend woke me up 5 times last night even though I told him i needed to get some sleep for a test. I held the door for some sorority girl and she just gave me a nasty look....I guess no one is nice here recently.... one has been nice to me...but i was VERY VERY VERY VEEERRRYYYYYY fucking happy on monday cause i got to see IN FLAMES!!!!!!!!!! i've waited soooo long to seem them to!
and i kept yelling bjorn and he would look over and like cross his eyes and stick his tongue out and shit.It was halarious :D
Ey! People! This is the thread where we tell about the
NICE THINGS!! it's to stop focusing on everything that

Like.. I can have a figt with my boyfriend, but still
say he was nice to me cause he didn't bring up any
old issues, or he didn't say the things that he KNOWS
I hate to hear... (No, we didn't fight today, we
seldom do.... luckily)

I went to buy some food at the local store here and
the woman working there was in an awfull mood, she
seemed like she was about to explode, but she was
nice to me, she let me take out some cash with my
visa card, as well as paying for the stuff I got...
It's the little things... If we all just focus on what
sucks, then yeah, it all sucks...

I think it was nice of you OYO to start this thread,
made me happy! :eek:)

And Ansuz, tell us about this special SOMEONE!?!?? >:eek:)
im happy he started it to,cause i got to share my In Flames story :)
I only know like...2 ppl who like the same music as me and they don't even live that close to me.So everybody is very unintrested by my music stories
Hehe... your In Flames story reminds me of festivals...
I want to go to a festival here in Norway this summer.
But they haven't anounced any good metalbands yet...

Anyways... It's so weird, when you're at shows and the
musicians look at you straight in your eyes... It feels so
"big", but still it's just stupid... Right there and then it's
just awesome, but afterwards people laugh at you for
telling >:eek:P hehe...

Anyways... sharing is...well....nice! :eek:)
Well, even though I already told a little bit. I just wanted to say that something nice that happened to me today was that the girl I liked said hello to me and we chatted for a little bit. She's so sweet. But she still has not replied to my e-mail. I'll let you all know how it goes.
Originally posted by Blackspirit
Hehe... your In Flames story reminds me of festivals...
I want to go to a festival here in Norway this summer.
But they haven't anounced any good metalbands yet...

Anyways... It's so weird, when you're at shows and the
musicians look at you straight in your eyes... It feels so
"big", but still it's just stupid... Right there and then it's
just awesome, but afterwards people laugh at you for
telling >:eek:P hehe...

Anyways... sharing is...well....nice! :eek:)

you just get this amazing feeling when they look right at you.I don't wanna sound like a fayboy or anytihng :lol:
but still...
well, for me everything is going ok at the moment, but i can't pick any particulary nice thing! wel, i met a girl recently and gave her my telephonenumber! seems like i'm going to see her tomorrow, so that's not that bad!:D
@Ymir:zij is nederlands;)!
um.. i can't think of only one nice thing, nothing spectacular has happened but nothing bad has happened either... um.. my teacher showed me a 6,6 (out of 7) on my German test :)

other than that...:oops: :p
My doctor gave me pills today. That was nice of him. Other than that, nothing good happened recently.

-phyros ( needed pills, have been sick for a month, thus not beeing able to train, thus feeling miserable, thus getting sicker, thus not able to study, thus feeling even more miserable... And that´s the reason for me not posting that much. )
I just got up...
And it was nice receiving a mail from an old
friend, and from my beloved one saying he
misses me when at work! Yay! >:eek:)

Oh, and it is really nice of all you people to
replay to the threads here, so that I have
something to do >:eek:)

It's also nice seeing Phyros around here!
What did you need the pills for man?