Ey! People! This is the thread where we tell about the
NICE THINGS!! it's to stop focusing on everything that
Like.. I can have a figt with my boyfriend, but still
say he was nice to me cause he didn't bring up any
old issues, or he didn't say the things that he KNOWS
I hate to hear... (No, we didn't fight today, we
seldom do.... luckily)
I went to buy some food at the local store here and
the woman working there was in an awfull mood, she
seemed like she was about to explode, but she was
nice to me, she let me take out some cash with my
visa card, as well as paying for the stuff I got...
It's the little things... If we all just focus on what
sucks, then yeah, it all sucks...
I think it was nice of you OYO to start this thread,
made me happy!

And Ansuz, tell us about this special SOMEONE!?!?? >
