I've bought no records lately.. but my first weekend on a vacation was nice, really nice
On friday I met one person who I hadn't seen for about a year and spent some time with her.
life's little pleasures
The cat I was taking care of for the past 4 days was downright hostile to me! I've taken care of her before, and she was scared at first and then got used to me. And I've been over to that flat quite a few times, but she swiped at me pretty much every time I got near her.
Thanks Nova. Apparently, she has a boyfriend at the moment, which mean I should go for someone else. I had a nice talk with her yesterday, so now I am trying for someone else. Shouldn't be too hard, because I do like this one girl. So, I'll call her.
This isn't nice: i wanted to go to Finland with a friend this summer, but now i think i won't because of some problems with organization & parents . So maybe we'll pass only a few days at the sea here in Italy...