Originally posted by DeadWinterDead
@Blackspirit: When you posted that you were HOME AGAIN... Were you listening to Thyrfing - Home Again?!
OMG!!!! You read my mind!!!! I had that song playing in my head
when writing that post.... I was like; "Should I put the song on,
or what? Naw, that would just be too cheeeeezy!" lol >

You want more from the festival? Lol, I thought you'd be bored
out of your minds....? Satyricon was uhm.... damn... hehe....
Let's take it from the start, and all you people who are not
interested, look away! NOW! hehe...
Well, of course I had to see them, but I have only heard a couple
of songs by them before....
They played at Idretsplassen, which is a really big stage. It has
enough space for 12000 people in the audience! I feel it was too
big for the band, it wasn't intimite enough. The moshpit didn't even
fill the space before the second barriers! lol. And, it stopped
raining just before they went on stage, so it was too bright outside.
Again, I would've enjoyed it more inside.
Small, dark, and intimate >

The sounds was shite when they started playing, but it got better
after a few songs. Too much bass, not enough guitars for my liking.
But it was groovy. I guess I would've liked pretty much any metal
act that night as I was so fed up by listening to sucky pop! hehe...
Hm, what more can I say? It was fun, it was a good show, it was
painfully loud (luckily I had earplugs!!), it was a good introduction
to the band for me

I also saw a really interesting band there. Not metal. Some rock
band or whatever. Influenced by the old days

) The Iceus Line
or something like that? I dunno.... I have to check them out, they
did a fantastic show! That was the most surprising gig this festival!

The cosiest one was Belle & Sebastian.
The most boring one; Travis (my best mate is a HUGE fan).
The heaviest one; Blood Red Throne (they ruled!! though the
sound was bad).
The most hyped gig; Turboneger.
Weirdest; Clinic.
Morgie; The Windir guitarist still can't sing >

P hehehehe....
Digicams not allowed, so I ran around with "engangskameraer"
...uhm.... Cams that you use once

P Whenever I get around to
develop the films and scan the pics I'll post the craziest ones.
One sick story: The people we camped with decided to fight one
another. They hit eachother with tentbars!!! For real! It ended up
pretty bloody >

P~ Hehe.... Funny shit. But it was in the middle
of the night, so no pics

Anything else? Just ask! >
