The nicest thing that's happened to you lately

Oh yeah - DWD definitively got something going here :)
Today I was out with some friends.. .nice. Also got the inspiration
to finish some half-read books... even better.
Hmm - for some reason I dislike the abbrevation 'Matte'
It must be because in norwegian it means 'carpet' and is
also used consistently as an abbrevation of Mathemathics
(which in an academic way gives certain bad associations :lol: )
Think I'll stick to Mattias... only 2 letters longer.. :grin: ;)
I went out with a whole bunch of people from work
yesterday, and it was nice seeing how none of them
got all childish while drinking! hehe... All their
personalities just got more clear. I had a great time,
and drank lots of Solo! Lol >:o)

I have also made a really good friend at work :o)

Something nice that's going to happen NOW -->
Me getting something to eat, cause I'm STARVING!!!

Oh, and I agree with you Lordenlil, the word/name
Matte is "BLEURGH!!!!" Yuck!!! >:oP~
Kinda fixed something between me and a girl.....whether its delaying the inevitable are not, we are somewhat happy again so im in better spirits :)
Originally posted by Lordenlil
Hmm - for some reason I dislike the abbrevation 'Matte'
It must be because in norwegian it means 'carpet' and is
also used consistently as an abbrevation of Mathemathics
(which in an academic way gives certain bad associations :lol: )

It's the same in German btw and I agree with that bad association :grin:
But if I'm not completely mistaken he chose Matte himself.
Oki.. I don't know/recall the situation u was in.... :)
(I must admit I'd never hit on someone with a boyfriend, it's agains
my morals.. honestly - but then again I don't know your situation)
Originally posted by Lordenlil
I couldn't withstand the pressure. I ordered tickets to the Moshfest
in Halden on the 17. Entombed, Ragnarok, Jorn etc are playing.
Gonna be great. I hope for some UM ppl to join in.

I thought about it, but man, I can't be arsed....

Dunno if this will be nice or not, I'm travelling
to Horten and Sandefjord today to visit my boy's
parents and tomorrow fix my grandparent's
computer! hehe.... I'd rather stay at home
sleeping, but hell, I can do that anytime, if I'm
not at work that is >:oP
I just came back from a bike ride. It wasn't especially good, but after 10 miles I raised my seat 0.75 inches. Man that made a difference, but I think I still have to raise it a bit.

My legs don't hurt as much, but my back hurts more. ah well.
Perhaps I should use that jacuzzi tub of mine... :grin: