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If you can understand them... That's why I prefer clean or no vocals, then you know exactly what the band is about...

I don't care nor wish to know what the band is about, especially with some of the crap I listen too. Like Dark Funeral.

I like Gwar's lyrics. America should raise this next generation on the teachings of Gwar.

No. Gwar is shit.

How old are you?

Btw what in the hell does this have to do with anything?
I agree with Montu.

And, I was going to quip something like, I've listened to metal longer than you've been alive, but decided not to. Because that would make me feel like an old geezer. But at least I'm a geezer who listens to good music, eh? Shit, Geezer Butler's super old; so, what do I have to complain about?
I thought so, and I was gonna come up with some smartass comment like "it's not tr00 metal". Anyway, you should read some bm lyrics and honestly tell me you are not offended or disturbed. :)
Yeah, because only in America would kids do that. Nowhere else.

Srsly, stfu about everything.

Sorry, but thats the point I was making, "FROM ALL NEWS REPORTS..." I wasn't saying it is like that, but that thats the impression from the news... If I wanted to bash America I'd go to the "OT: Harrasment and Deportation Of Stream Of Passion" thread, not this one... :)
More great new!! from the man himself, Mike portnoy:
Just minutes ago myself, JP and Paul Northfield signed off on the final mix of the new album!
We are absolutely floored!!

I NEVER say this about a new album (as it's so cliched for an artist to say this about their latest release), but I honestly think this may be my favorite DT album to date!!!
It really has EVERYTHING!

John and I will be mastering next Tuesday and shortly after that, I'll release some more info (song titles, etc.)

I cannot wait for y'all to hear this thing!!!
It's gonna be as torturous for me as it will be for you waiting til June!!!!


Best cd yet??? Ahh, I can't wait any longer. I need more dream theater!:)
err, portnoy was talking to the folks on his dare he keep the fans informed about a new release.
A train wreck in music is when the music doesn't work, it sounds like...well sounds running in to each other instead of working with each other.

I can't wait to hear about some of the song titles off the new album with things like Pumpkins involved.
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