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...i believe the last music video was Hollow Years, which makes it 10 years since they last made a music video.

I have Porcupine Tree's 5.1 mixes and they are great! So i'm definately be getting myself a Dream Theater 5.1 mix!

The way Roadrunner are promoting Porcupine Tree gives me some indication of how Dream Theater may get promoted. PT's new album comes as a limited CD-DVD also has had many reviews, theres interviews, radio play, a 6 minute teaser clip and a music video for the title track. Dream Theater have a CD+DVD combo and a music video on its way...sounds similar to me.
I am really optimistic about this next album, trust me Dream Theater doesnt usually hype albums to this extent if its not going to be something phenominal, and from the sound of it, it sounds like this could possibly be the best record they have put out since Scenes. Oh and the fact that thier will be 1 or 2 singles that mostly likely fit the heavier atmosphere of the album will only make things better (as opposed to say most of the first half of Octavarium (the album)). Oh and why would they have a 5.1 mix and lengthy making of video, and video for Constant Motion if they were not signnificantly satisfied with this record. I think this will be another prog metal masterpiece (along with Paradise Lost of course)!

sorry but I have to nitpick this.

1. Dream Theater always hypes albums.
2. Why would they have a 5.1mix etc etc...? They signed to a big label. I'm sure the label has something to do with it. Call it promotional candy.

Sure they're probably satisfied with the record. Otherwise they'd still be working on it. But you know what? I for one am happy that the logo is absent on the special edition. It marks a change that needs to take place, a dawn of a new era that will hopefully be good. I have no pretense concerning how great this album is since I have heard zero of it. However, one should always be skeptical of hype, even of a band one enjoys.
The fact they are filming a video actually worries me. Does that mean they are going to sound mainstream enough to make a video worth it?

@ Meedleyx10

The State Theater is fairly large and a historical landmark. It's quite awesome. I've never seen DT there (or anywhere, though that should change this summer), but I've seen a musical there. It's pretty nice. Photo:
DREAM THEATER have announced the following tour dates with special guests REDEMPTION and INTO ETERNITY

Now that is a dissappointment. I'm sure those bands are good, but Dream Theater should never have openers. The last time they played here in Chicago as "an evening with" the venue had a line a mile long.

Is it even worth it to see them play for 90-120 minutes? We've been used to 3+ hour DT for years now...
1. Evening With is getting old. I'd rather see them tour with other bands. But... I'd rather see them tour with different bands than these :lol:

2. Video =/= radio friendly. See Dark Tranquillity - Focus Shift. new video for new song from new album. The antithesis of mainstream. Videos in general however I care nothing for. Bands are about music for me. If I want to watch a video, I'll get a decent film.
The State Theater is fairly large and a historical landmark. It's quite awesome. I've never seen DT there (or anywhere, though that should change this summer), but I've seen a musical there. It's pretty nice. Photo:

Thanks dude. Seems like a pretty cool place. I've gotta run over to minneapolis next week anyway so I'll drive by to take a gander at the place.
Okaay.. I read Pink Floyd and Pantera, how bad can it be?
The only thing I'm afraid of is that my anticipation will create an anti climax when the album finally arrives. I'm a quite new fan and haven't experienced a new studio release from this band so the albums have had some time to sink in properly.

Love all their work up to this point so I guess I won't be dissapointed. =)
I personally thought both ToT and O8 were terrible at first, but as with most of prog music( with the exception of Symphony X) it takes time to love the album, even if you already love the band.
And DT was my favorite band ever since i first heard Scenes, so i'm expecting a very good and challenging album.
I just hope the 90 minutes with portnoy are worth the exrta few bucks for the DVD.
Kenneth wrote
Take for example The Beatles. Simple music, and as I write this, decades old. Yet they have more public presence today than many modern bands. Why? I argue the connection they made with the public was stronger, their music more effective, potent if you will. And they did not need technical wankery to do so. I challenge you to find three bands whose technical showoffery alone secured them lasting appeal with the public. Wankery you may in your opinion call music, but no matter how you look at it, it doesn't have anything to say.

You mean it doesn't have anything to say to keep referring to "technical showoffery" and "wankery" which implies that you know that the source of the playing is the artists ego....and again you don't know.

As for 3 bands....well that is of course going to depend on a person's view on what "wankery" is.
My dad thinks Van Halen is all wank....definately don't agree with him.
As mentioned before...Paganini was considered a 19th Century "wanker"....some people considered a lot of what Charlie Parker played as "wank"....Chick Corea...."wank" who's right and who's wrong?
It will always come back to that "O" word...always.

As for the Beatles....they've never really connected with me...maybe a few songs during their lsd period got a bit more interesting...but never a big impact. As for their prescence today.....maybe its because they wrote songs that appealed to the mass public....maybe people still listen to them or seek them out because they were the biggest band in the world and they feel "obliged" to see why...sort of like when i ask my guitar students who they think is the "best" guitarist,,,and i so often get the reply "It was Jimi Hendrix wasn't it? or "its supposed to be Jimi Hendrix"....socially conditioned answers.
There are plenty of "big" bands that have maintained popularity over the years (eg The Rolling Stones, U2) that to me have no "potency"....but i won't go into that argument.

And that's why I argue that it weakens pieces of music when overused, as in previously discussed cases like Dream Theater - In The Name of God. Even the Dream Theater fanbois gush over songs like Space Dye Vest or Great Debate instead of In The Name of God. It's precisely the issue with Dragonforce as well. They're a novelty. You are impressed by their skill, it's intriguing, but after listening to many of their songs, you realize that they are all the same, and none have anything to say. There's a reason why Starfire is so popular - it's not about playing-as-fast-as-you-mindlessly-can-just-to-do-it.
But yet some people seem to like Dragonforce....i guess they are all wrong....we could also get into the art vs entertainment debate...and at what level are artists aiming to make a connection with the audience.

Maybe In the Name of God just isn't a good song as the other two mentioned...and if you took the "wank" out of the song it still wouldn't be as you blame the "wank" entirely, is it a contributing factor or is it irrelevant?
I agree. A lot of albums I love upon first listen. This isn't always the case though.

Some albums i've heard have been good first listens but have lost their appeal after a few more. And other albums have taken a couple of years of sporadic listening bursts to reveal themselves. No cut and dry rule...although i think you've only listened to an album properly after you have given each instrument your full attention for a full spin....helps to appreciate the relationships between instruments on future for me anyway.
Let me put it to you this way, since it seems once again the point was missed entirely.

If you have alcohol, you put water in it, you dilute it. The more water you put, the less strong the stuff is. Wankery = water. Call it subjective if that pleases you. There IS an objective point to be observed here and I will not back down from that.
Let me put it to you this way, since it seems once again the point was missed entirely.
Didn't miss the point...just don't agree with you Kenneth.

Just so you know...i'm not a big fan of excessive soloing, instrumental passages in a lot of songs...some bands/artists do it better than others. If i like it...its good...if i don't then its not...but i won't pretend that i can understand the motivation behind what they played and whether or not it does or doesn't belong in a particular piece of music. It either sounds good to me or it doesn't.

As for the wankery=water.....thats really stupid.
Most alcohol is made with water being an important ingredient ;)
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