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Is this the next part of Mike's AA series of songs? I sure hope because, maybe it's just the vocals but, it sounds too much like the last 3 albums. Infact I'm sad to say as soon as LaBrie started singing I kinda went "oh..." on the inside.
Is this the next part of Mike's AA series of songs? I sure hope because, maybe it's just the vocals but, it sounds too much like the last 3 albums. Infact I'm sad to say as soon as LaBrie started singing I kinda went "oh..." on the inside.

if you are referring to Constant Motion, then no. The next AA song will be on this album though (repentance)
I recon its great - there arent any really strong vocal hooks to grab you on a first listen but its a decent song none the less. The riffs are great and the instrumental/solo section is cool (solo sounds a bit satriani-esque - i think its using the same modes as "War"?). All in all sounds like a-not-so-straight-down-the-line song from Train of thought
All i'm gonna say is there's a big difference between printing up all different kinds of merch and this concert bs.

Why is there a difference? The band is putting a price on their product, plain and simple. If they think their product is worth $300 they have every right to put that price tag on it, and if they have fans that think their product is worth $300 they will spend the money on it.

A professional band *is* a business. It is an artform and creative expression, but the moment you decide to try to make money from it, it is a business venture as well. Anyone in any halfway successful band will tell you that, because the reason they are successful is because they are either good at doing business, or have a manager that is.
A professional band *is* a business. It is an artform and creative expression, but the moment you decide to try to make money from it, it is a business venture as well. Anyone in any halfway successful band will tell you that, because the reason they are successful is because they are either good at doing business, or have a manager that is.

Fuck your definitions of professional bands then. There's far too many successful (as in, musically important, influential, and lasting) bands that are not meeting this definition of 'professional'.

The soul is valued in a currency not representable by digits.
Fuck your definitions of professional bands then. There's far too many successful (as in, musically important, influential, and lasting) bands that are not meeting this definition of 'professional'.

The soul is valued in a currency not representable by digits.

Agreed, though you made it sound gay.

While there's truth in the fact that bands who are full time need to make money (it is their job), i still say this business about the seating at shows is gay. Matt, you're right. People will pay for it. but just because people will do something doesn't make it right to take advantage of. Pretty fucken gay. I am not just saying that because it's DT (The gay one, not the melodic death metal one). If susperia or swallow the sun did the same thing, even though i'm a huge fanboi of both bands, i'd tell them to fuck themselves.

In the end, even though it's a business, the music, the passion and all that is what's important. That's what made the band speak to you in the first place, and that should never be overlooked. making the business the forefront really makes it difficult to focus on that. This is why i hate dream theater. i'm sure they're great guys, and in fact have heard that they are incredibly decent to their fans when they meet them, so i respect that. However, i don't respect this fuckery. To hell with business aspect.

This is exactly why i stopped listening to this genre of music. Largely, power and prog bands have an underlying rockstar mentality and want to be treated as such. They think they deserve things just because they write music, like hot girls, people to wait on them hand and foot, etc. In death metal, they play because they generally enjoy driving around in a beater van that will probably break down on them somewhere in kansas. It's still largely a pure musical form, and i fucking love that. There are exceptions to both statements, and i understand that. I'm making generalities though.
The new song sounded like old Metallica. I don't listen to DT or old Metallica so my opinion is not to be taken seriously.
Awesome song!! If the rest of the album is like this song, maybe with some more freaky instrumental passages and mind-blowing solo's from mr. Petrucci. Only part I didn't like was the short thing about 2:50 into the song and the weird "System of a Down"-thing at 2:57. Laughed my ass off when I first heard it. I bet this album will be the best since SFAM... but I'll try not to get too excited.
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