The Official Good Television Thread

Given that the series was so short I think it would have been far better if they'd just focused on the main story and done that well. That or abandoned the main story for now and stuck to the MOTW episodes, which they managed much better here.
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I thought it was ok. The battle scene was well-directed, but it bothered me that the episode played out pretty much exactly like everyone expected, and that they decided to make Jon the worst tactician in the world. The Door was better.

On a positive note, Tormund continues to be amazing.
I thought it was ok. The battle scene was well-directed, but it bothered me that the episode played out pretty much exactly like everyone expected, and that they decided to make Jon the worst tactician in the world. The Door was better.

On a positive note, Tormund continues to be amazing.

I agree the episode went pretty much went as I expected plot-wise, but honestly, there's 15 episodes of this show left and the Others haven't even crossed the wall yet. We don't have much time left for plot delays. Everything that happened in this episode moved the plot forward, which was very much needed. Also, we've been stomach punched enough times that I'm perfectly fine with the show serving up a crowd pleaser for once.

As for Jon, yeah he blew it, but it was very much within his character, considering he just saw his brother get killed.
Why is there only 15 episdoes left? I thought they were going to end on season 8, which makes 21 left. Is season 7 going to be 14 episodes or something?

Yeah, it was rather predictable on the whole, with pretty much everything I thought was going to happen actually happening. There were points I thought Rickon might make it out alive. It didn't make sense that he just ran in a straight line with Ramsey firing at him, he could have dived on the ground or run side to side at least! It also made no sense that Sansa didn't tell Jon that Littlefinger and the Knights of the Vale had the potential to show up, surely this would have changed his battle plans somewhat? She continues to be the most annoying character for me.

At least Ramsey is finally dead though, he'd just become so ridiculous at this point. An extremely one dimensional vile person. Hopefully we can get back to some multifaceted evil character whose true intentions are not fully known, like Littlefinger
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Why is there only 15 episdoes left? I thought they were going to end on season 8, which makes 21 left. Is season 7 going to be 14 episodes or something?

Edit: The spoiler function is not working for some reason, it's just not appearing on my screen at least.

From what I heard, there will be two more 7 episode seasons. For spoilers, use [ spoiler] and [ /spoiler], except without the spaces, which I put in to avoid the function taking action.
Ah that worked thanks. I was using the insert spoiler option which has worked in the past but for whatever reason it just wasn't appearing this time.

That makes more sense then if they are planning on two 7 episode seasons.
Holy fuck that Person of Interest series finale owned. You guys are all missing out. At least @Systematic Riffage knows what I'm talking about.

Man it had one of the best endings to a show I have ever seen. It was unbelievable. So sad the show has ended. I Know they left it where it could possibly continue, but It wouldn't be the same without (You know Who).
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I thought the final episodes of this season of GoT were some of the best the show has ever filmed. Epic, emotional, and so satisfying. Watching the last two episodes was like reliving the excitement of originally reading the first three books.

I have a theory that since the screenwriters have emerged out of the shadow of anxiety from adapting the books into episodes, their writing has actually improved. They're no longer trying to fit huge books into relatively short seasons, but can lay out the narrative as they wish according to a far less restrictive backstory.

Also, that trailer for Westworld... fuck.
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How about that GoT finale, eh?


would be proud.