Given that the series was so short I think it would have been far better if they'd just focused on the main story and done that well. That or abandoned the main story for now and stuck to the MOTW episodes, which they managed much better here.
Damn, GoT was so amazing tonight. What phenomenal direction and cinematography.
I thought it was ok. The battle scene was well-directed, but it bothered me that the episode played out pretty much exactly like everyone expected, and that they decided to make Jon the worst tactician in the world. The Door was better.
On a positive note, Tormund continues to be amazing.
Why is there only 15 episdoes left? I thought they were going to end on season 8, which makes 21 left. Is season 7 going to be 14 episodes or something?
Edit: The spoiler function is not working for some reason, it's just not appearing on my screen at least.
Holy fuck that Person of Interest series finale owned. You guys are all missing out. At least @Systematic Riffage knows what I'm talking about.
Matthew McConaughey May return to True Detective. Hmmm