End of Glory
Crucify Your Faith
Yes, but those are from readers. Haven't heard it from a single person who only watches the show. That's why i made it clear that i was referring to the people who exclusively watch the show.
Then I misunderstood you.
I doubt he's Roberts. But yeah there's a little room for them to take it in other directions for sure. And if im not mistaken, Jon Snow's hair is brown not black...
I would definitely call that black hair. Compare with Ned, Robb and Lyanna and you'll see the Stark-ish brown.

(couldn't find a picture of her in Tower of Joy)

Compare that to Jon and Robert.

We've had a few black+browns in our family and every single one of them had children with brown hair and brown eyes. My mom has brown hair and my dad has black hair ... what color would you guess my hair is?
Well that depends on what you consider to be black or brown hair. But I guess your point is that you've brown hair? I think they refer the hair and genes more to the GoT-universe, not real life since my mother are blonde and my father have black hair and I ended up with brown hair. According to a theorist, Robert were confronted in season 1 if Joffery, Tommen and Mycella really were his children since they all were blond and black hair were supposed to be the stronger gene (which I do not remember). But it's just a theory that would amuse me if it were true because then Jon would not be a bastard and actually have rights to the throne after his father Robert instead of the 3 bastard children with incest parents.