The Official Good Television Thread

I added this post because it originally looked like I was saying they weren't a couple in the books, after I replied about the show adding things that don't happen in the book. I'm obviously not denying that they were a couple in the books because I know this is hinted at. The particular scenes between Renly and Loras shown on the show I was saying were added for shock value.

This basically. This is about as explicit as it gets in the books:

Jaime becomes angry at Loras when returning to King's Landing, and adds to the rumors we know about Loras and Renly.
"Now sheathe your bloody sword, or I'll take it from you and shove it up some place even Renly never found."

It would have made for a better TV show had they stuck to little hints in the script like that rather than, as Phylactery said, on screen fellating. Just because characters weren't POV in the books doesn't mean you need to show the implied parts on screen. Not even sure why you're reacting so strongly to this given that you're:

not cool with all these networks shoveling that shit down our throats in recent years.

Btw, did you read the books yourself?
This basically. This is about as explicit as it gets in the books:

Jaime becomes angry at Loras when returning to King's Landing, and adds to the rumors we know about Loras and Renly.
"Now sheathe your bloody sword, or I'll take it from you and shove it up some place even Renly never found."

It would have made for a better TV show had they stuck to little hints in the script like that rather than, as Phylactery said, on screen fellating. Just because characters weren't POV in the books doesn't mean you need to show the implied parts on screen. Not even sure why you're reacting so strongly to this given that you're:

Btw, did you read the books yourself?

What the fuck are you talking about man? The POV thing has nothing to do with the show, it just explains to you why it would be impossible for them to flesh out a gay scene in the books(which is something you seem to need in order for you to believe he was gay). Why are you jumping all over the place? The only argument here was that you said he's not gay in the books, and you were 100% wrong. Can you for once just fucking admit that you are wrong and stop with your usual BS? I'm starting to really dislike you 'cuz of shit like this.

And if you actually read my posts instead if just ignorantly replying with your bullshit you would have seen that i said i haven't read the books.
Well TB also said that it becomes an issue for him when it's a frequent thing in the show. Since on GoT there has only been a few scenes between Renly/Loras and then some Oberyn scenes over 6 seasons, I guess it's not a deal breaker for him.

Speaking of Oberyn I miss him. He was one of my favourite characters.
What the fuck are you talking about man? The POV thing has nothing to do with the show, it just explains to you why it would be impossible for them to flesh out a gay scene in the books(which is something you seem to need in order for you to believe he was gay). Why are you jumping all over the place? The only argument here was that you said he's not gay in the books, and you were 100% wrong. Can you for once just fucking admit that you are wrong and stop with your usual BS? I'm starting to really dislike you 'cuz of shit like this.

And if you actually read my posts instead if just ignorantly replying with your bullshit you would have seen that i said i haven't read the books.

If you actually read my posts, you gibbering filth, you'd realise I already sheepishly admitted to being wrong about that several posts ago:

You don't need to show sex for it to be implied that they're having it. Although obviously I missed the implication in the books, so maybe you do...

Once again you're choosing to argue with me about something I'm not even contesting. And speaking of unlikable, how does imperiously criticizing someone's interpretation of a book you haven't even read rank on the dickhead scale?
How does it feel to be schooled on your "interpretation of the books" by someone who hasn't even read it, you ignorant cunt?

You watched a TV show in which an implied connection was made incredibly explicit, googled for evidence of it existing in the books, and are now triumphantly presenting it as evidence of your superior comprehension.

And you wonder why I think you're a cretin.
you said hes not gay in the books, i quoted a paragraph which even had GRRM confirming that he was gay in the books. Shut the fuck up and get lost.

And obviously if I was still arguing that, you would have a point. But seeing as I stopped arguing it something like ten posts ago, I can only assume that you're so desperate to feel right about something - anything - that you can't bear to let go even when someone concedes that they were mistaken. Pretty pathetic.
I can't remember if I knew what a homophobe TB is, but wow. Also what does heardheaded mean?

He's a contentious prick, but I have to admit I laughed pretty hard when he posted this:

That's pretty much what happened with Mr. Robot. I really liked the series, but than came a scene where a guy was ripping another guy and than busted a nut on his back and handed him a towel. That was the last time i watched that show.

I guess he's honest about why he thinks what he thinks.
It's one of my favorite seasons of television, and its literary-philosophical aspirations are really impressive.

Unfortunately, my wife has kind of disillusioned me of the big grand crack in the case, where they solve it via tax documents. She's a tax accountant, and basically tore that entire detail apart, haha.

But I just ignore that part; the narrative itself is incredible regardless.
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I actually found Martin Hart to be the more interesting, engaging character the second time around. Probably because he's in many ways more relatable and "human" yet multi-layered or something.