Anyone else watching Mr. Robot season 2 and being really pissed off by it? First of all they're taking the whole "subjective experience" thing and running way too fucking far with it. I'm not even averse to the general idea of taking Elliot's unreliable perception of reality and making it a part of the show's puzzle, in fact I was intrigued by that angle in s01, but jesus fucking christ it's so repetitive when you get to the seventh fucking episode in a row they're just reiterating that he doesn't have a fucking grip on himself. And then there's the structure of these episodes, each fucking episode is just buildup to some stupid unsatisfying cryptic fucking cliffhanger contrived to provide fodder for reddit discussion threads. And then the next episode they don't even fucking address how the last one ended. The obnoxious token experimentalism is getting out of hand too, I mean it was there in s01 but it was restrained or synergistic with the story enough that I thought maybe they had some actual vision and weren't just desperately grasping for originality like some shitty "avant-garde" metal band. I liked s01 a good deal but this is getting borderline unwatchable.