The Official Good Television Thread

Dexter is comming on tv in Australia.

I'm kinda looking forward to it as a lot of people say it's great, but the most recent trailers make it look retarded.
Everyone needs to check out the show Burn Notice on USA. New season starts July 10th.

I just checked out that show today, and it was very good. I think tomorrow since I have no school or work, I'm gunna make a marathon of it and watch the first season all the way through.
^Looks cheesy as hell... Is it taking the piss or what?

I just watched the first episode of Dexter and thought it was great. I'll be interested to see how it goes, I've had mixed reactions from friends who've seen it.
tim and eric awesome show great job is the weirdest show ever. i can only enjoy it if i'm in an easily appeased, open minded, trippy mood. or if im stoned and/or drunk
Dexter is pretty awesome Satan, i think youll be happy

I dunno, I'm three episodes in, and it's already getting the big hmmmmmmm. The plot is intriguing, but it didn't take long for the novelty to wear off. It feels contrived, and a few of the characters are annoying as hell. And the whole girlfriend + children happy family oh look how nice he is he mustn't really be a monster sympathetic card is grating. And his "I'm not like other people" voice overs are becoming tired. But I'm still hoping it will get better. The production & acting is good.
Has anyone else watched Mad Men? I saw an all day marathon thing on AMC like last week, I got interested with like 19823192 emmy nominations and such and people nutting over it, needless to say this show was incredibly lame and uninteresting over like 3 episodes. It follows this advertising company where the standard plot was showing how married men cheat on their wives and seems like a social-norm for it. I really dont understand the appeal at all.

Does anyone like it and help me understand what is at all any good about it?
I haven't seen it yet but it's on my list of shows to check out.

Dexter ended up being rather excellent, season two was much better than the first.
Meh, Dexter. I don't really know what it's supposed to be-- a comedy or a thriller, but it's a pretty big fluke in both departments, imo. It's as you said, Satan: an intriguing concept ruined by annoying characters.