The Official Good Television Thread

haha is that how they're portrayed? just never mind all them sex slaves from Asian countries not named Japan...

Other than rather businesslike soldiers, the rest are portrayed much more like contemporary Japanese than the pre-war imperialists. We're talking about the nation with kamikazes, banzai charges, Nanking Massacres, and dudes who held out for years after the war was over:

I find it hard to believe that in less than two decades they would have become so "progressive" if they had won WWII.

After the Meiji period, the head of the household was required to approve of any marriage.[21] Until 1908, it remained legal for husbands to murder wives for infidelity.[21]

As late as the 1930s, arranged marriages continued, and so-called "love matches" were thought to be rare and somewhat scandalous, especially for the husband, who would be thought "effeminate".[21][34]

The Post-War Constitution, however, codified women’s right to choose their partners.
the Meiji period saw motherhood as the central task of women, and allowed education of women toward this end.[39] Raising children and keeping household affairs in order were seen as women's role in the state.[40] Women's political and social advancement was thus tied to their role as mothers.[4]

They also weren't educating them much at all or allowing them to vote. But yeah, let's tumble with older men and get all nervous about dating.
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Not cool man. I've seen both shows but not cool. Still need to check out the Wire. I tried watching it but would keep falling asleep.

Him and few others spoiled some parts of The Wire for me. It's just fair that i do the same.

I reported his comment, first time I've reported something.

They also weren't educating them much at all or allowing them to vote. But yeah, let's tumble with older men and get all nervous about dating.

weirdly, after the war women in Japan probably became the most politically active in any modernized country. crazy transformation, I wanna read more on it but unaware of a good book.

Other than rather businesslike soldiers, the rest are portrayed much more like contemporary Japanese than the pre-war imperialists. We're talking about the nation with kamikazes, banzai charges, Nanking Massacres, and dudes who held out for years after the war was over:

have you seen Eastwood's Iwo Jima? think it might challenge your perception of the WW2 Japan soldiers
weirdly, after the war women in Japan probably became the most politically active in any modernized country. crazy transformation, I wanna read more on it but unaware of a good book.

The whole country radically transformed after the war.

have you seen Eastwood's Iwo Jima? think it might challenge your perception of the WW2 Japan soldiers

No I have not. I'm not saying they were "inhuman" or whatever.
New Always Sunny was pretty lol.

I don't tend to like musicals but these guys and the South Park dudes manage to pull it off.
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Just finished The Sopranos. Goddamn, what a great fucking show. And a jarring ending. Had always heard people didn't care for it but didn't know the specifics. I actually found it to be a deeply depressing outro, insightful almost. Really made an impact. Definitely one of the best series I've ever watched, I'll be keeping an eye out for David Chase's new in-progress work
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The Sopranos is definitely my fave series ever. I had it tied with Breaking Bad for a while but I've re-watched it a couple of times in the last few years and it wins for sure. I fucking love that he had the balls to do that ending. People talk about Six Feet Under's ending being the greatest ever but fuck all that wrapped up nicely bollocks.
The Sopranos is definitely my fave series ever. I had it tied with Breaking Bad for a while but I've re-watched it a couple of times in the last few years and it wins for sure. I fucking love that he had the balls to do that ending. People talk about Six Feet Under's ending being the greatest ever but fuck all that wrapped up nicely bollocks.

Sopranos is up there for me, too. Probably Top 3.
Sopranos is amazing yeah. On the whole there's too much fluff for me to call it my favorite series but it's definitely up there. The final season is especially brilliant and that ending is perfect.
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Who were some of your guys' favorite characters? I liked Sil and Bobby, they kept a cool head and never started any bullshit. Tony obviously was a big personality.