The Official Good Television Thread

Watching a mystery series called "Dark" out on Netflix now. Reaaaally good stuff. For fans of Black Mirror and Westworld. Heads up, it's in German, but if you don't mind subtitles I highly recommend it. One season, 10 episodes.

And do yourself a favor and don't read up on it - go in cold turkey.
Started Ash vs Evil Dead. I like how they kept the dumb humor from the movies. Finish that i`ll check out Dark you mentioned. i really liked Black Mirror. Fell off on Westworld tho. Didnt keep up my interrest more than half way into the second season.
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Ashy Slashy, hatchet and saw,
takes your head and skins you raw.
Ashy Slashy, Heaven or Hell,
cuts out your tongue so you can't yell.
Watching a mystery series called "Dark" out on Netflix now. Reaaaally good stuff. For fans of Black Mirror and Westworld. Heads up, it's in German, but if you don't mind subtitles I highly recommend it. One season, 10 episodes.

And do yourself a favor and don't read up on it - go in cold turkey.

Watched two episodes, I'm hooked.
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This fucking show..

24 made me sick of keifer Southerlands voice. I find his movies hard to watch after watching....dont know how many seasons. Didnt finish it all.
Watching "22.11.63" atm. Liked this one. Tried Dark, but i got to the second episode and i found out foreign language series might not be my thing.
I thoroughly enjoyed Dark too, but there better be another season after that cliffhanger ending. Mindhunter was great as well.
Yeah I think Dark was one of the best series in a while. Really looking forward to season 2 although I'm abit skeptical to the cliffhanger. I hope it doesn't evolve into too much future sci-fi.
i have the book sitting on my shelf. i really like richard morgan going by THE STEEL REMAINS, i believe this is supposed to be his best work so i'll probably read it before watching the series.