Active Member
It does have an end goal, or at least an overarching story. It's about the reestablishment of civilization following a global collapse. At first it's about individuals trying to survive, form stable communities and find a safe place to settle down. Once they reach Alexandria at the end of s05, it becomes about armed conflict between city states. So basically it's a repeat of early history on a microcosmic scale. Although I'm not sure where the end point would be exactly, I imagine what we'll be seeing next is the formation of nation states, reestablishment of industries and communication networks (the comics have already touched on this, as far as I've read) and so forth.
I can understand how the show's awful pacing makes people think it has no point but there is an arc, even if they bungle it. (It's much clearer in the comics, which consistently don't suck)
I am always amaZed at how people can make television garbage sound profound