The Official Good Television Thread

Watching season 4 of Game of Thrones, roughly about halfway through. In this episode Yara Greyjoy is attempting to rescue Theon from the Dreadfort. I love any moment the Iron Islanders are on screen and Yara is easily in my top 5 characters thus far, can't wait to get into the episodes that feature them more in general.

Ramsay is a fucking psychopath.
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Watching season 4 of Game of Thrones, roughly about halfway through. In this episode Yara Greyjoy is attempting to rescue Theon from the Dreadfort. I love any moment the Iron Islanders are on screen and Yara is easily in my top 5 characters thus far, can't wait to get into the episodes that feature them more in general.

Ramsay is a fucking psychopath.

Ramsay was one of my favorite characters and yes the guy is a true psychopath .. a very smart one too(not that most arent). He's not quite on the level of Anton Chigurh(the most realistic psychopath to ever be portrayed in cinema) but up there with the Norman Bates and Hannibal Lectors.

And fuuuuuck dude you have one of the best episodes(ep 8) coming. A fucking masterpiece imo

The series truly is god tier imo.
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I have seen after this episode but I guess the digital downloads I watched season 4 with was missing some episodes. Don't remember the episode I just mentioned nor this episode about the trial of Tyrion, but I do remember the combat trial with The Mountain... lmao the fuck.
I have seen after this episode but I guess the digital downloads I watched season 4 with was missing some episodes. Don't remember the episode I just mentioned nor this episode about the trial of Tyrion, but I do remember the combat trial with The Mountain... lmao the fuck.
yeah man i didn't wanna burn it for you, episode name would have gave it away. And i wouldn't want you to go all Bronail on me. :D

that scene was 10/10. Everything ... the acting, the cinematography, etc. perfection from the opening second...

Ramsay was one of my favorite characters and yes the guy is a true psychopath .. a very smart one too(not that most arent). He's not quite on the level of Anton Chigurh

man how dare you compare the two...Ramsay was a 1 dimensional character, the shamed bastard who dares to earn his way into the aristocracy. zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Just finished season 4.

As much as The Red Viper vs The Mountain and the battle on the wall with the wildlings were epic scenes, I think my favourite of the end of season 4 was when Stannis Baratheon's army rode in on Mance Rayder and the wildling horde, pulled a pincer maneuver and laid down the fucking law beyond the wall.

Great scene. Now I need to buy the 5th season, I guess I must've seen some of the 5th season because I remember certain things happening with Arya Stark and The Hound, if you know what I mean. Guess I've seen way more of this show than I initially thought.

Edit: spoke too soon, there was still the fight between Brienne and The Hound, grittiest fight ever lmao. I guess season 5 will be totally new to me.
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This scene is the peak of the series for me.
The battle of Blackwater with Stannis the Mannis is my favorite followed by the Red Wedding and The Mountain and The Viper. I also LOVE the scene in 'The Children" where
Jon goes beyond the wall to try and negotiate with Mance. Again, so perfectly shot especially the parts where ...Jon is walking into their camp and when Mannis ambushes them

here are some of my other favorite god-tier scenes ...

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Agreed. I got through 3 episodes and gave up. Even getting through the first 75% of the first novel was a chore.

Yeah I've read a few of the books and they were okay. Better than the tv adaptation for sure but not interesting enough to continue it.

It's just a very depressing series. Sometimes epic shit happens which is cool but it doesn't really make up for the overall dreariness imo.
I've always thought GoT was overrated as shit. So much needless physical/sexual violence. I don't understand the allure to be honest.

I used to think this too, but recently I started rewatching the series again and had a change of mind about it:
Been sick and bedridden these last few days so I just binged out on Game of Thrones when I was feeling strong enough to stare at a TV screen. Finished season 2.

This could just be me viewing everything through a post-Deadwood lens (definitely been doing it a lot lately) but my opinion on the show has changed a lot since I first watched seasons 1 through 4. At that time, pre-seeing Deadwood, I thought Game of Thrones was just using fantasy to create gratuitous violence and pornography for mainstream television and that it was more or less pointless. Not that this would bother me I'm hardly prudish and not opposed to popcorn entertainment, but I'd always identified the sort of medieval fantasy genre as being less about grit and muck and more about ideals and so on.

But now I think I see the underlying point of Game of Thrones and it seems to be the same point Deadwood was making (and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance was making the point back in the early 60's to some degree but I only just watched that movie a few days ago) and that point is essentially a rebuttal to idealism.

Deadwood took the western genre with all its heroism, chivalry, morals and ideals and flipped it all and covered it in pig slop. Game of Thrones is doing a similar thing IMO. Romance is a large element in classical fantasy but this series shows that kings and queens simply tolerate each other, every sex scene is tainted in some slight manner, extramarital sex is common enough that bastard children have certain surnames based on where they come from (bastards from Iron Islands get the name Pyke, Winterfell bastards get the name Snow etc), there's incest too. It really does quite a good job at demystifying the fantasy genre.

Anyway I'm rambling. I am tempted to do what I did last time and watch the next season digitally but I think I might wait and buy them on DVD. I've thoroughly enjoyed rewatching it and it really feels like something I genuinely want to own for myself.
That's when I started watching it too, and liked it for a bit. Then when I got better and was watching it in a non-delirious state I didn't like it anywhere near as much.
In hindsight Game of Thrones does many other things very well IMO:

They have the literal embodiment of the feminist "women are as tough as men" meme with Brienne of Tarth and even anti-SJW reactionary types love her. The Wall and the Wildlings are a fairly blatant political statement about immigration, illegal immigration, nation-building and frontierism but it doesn't feel one-sided or preachy. It doesn't shrink at intense, historically loaded subjects like slavery. That's just a few things I can think of right now.

Also the fact that they put such classical elements like dragons, magic, kings and queens and oathbound knights with very unmajestic elements like whoring dwarves, homosexial orgies, extreme violence, crude language in stark contrast to the fantasy genre's penchant for poetic language and incest makes Game of Thrones stand out from the crowd.