Active Member
I don't even know where to begin to address how wrong you are. Let's take the character development thing. One of the major themes of season 6 is Tony getting countless opportunities to change (including an actual NDE, which is often a powerful inciting event for personal growth) but basically deciding to take the easy way out and continue to be more or less the same sack of shit that he's been for the past five seasons. It's pessimistic but also meaningful and cautionary.
I don’t see how you can say I’m wrong but then basically reassert my point. Tony was so boring and unlikable by the end for that exact reason. You know what he’s gonna do and how he’s gonna resoond. It was the same old shit.
As for the other characters in the show, most of them are middle-aged and set in their ways. Should they all change just because it's the final season?
No, but I think at SOME POINT in the series certain moments should have been addressed. Meadow never acknowledges what a corrupt person her dad is and never is put in a situation where she has too. Same for A.J. actually. Carm is never made to look at the fact that she is a massive amoral hypocrite. No one ever figures it out so basically nothing comes of it. Furthermore, they do nothing with Adriana or Chris’s death, basically making the moments inconsequential.
Basically, every chance they had to make the characters confront a new situation and thereby grow, they avoided. As a result, the show became redundant and predictable.
Even then there is plenty of meaningful character development; Vito coming to terms with his homosexuality and trying to get out of the mafia life, Melfi beginning to understand that her therapy may be doing more harm than good, etc. I wonder what character you think should have developed more, but didn't.
The stuff with Vito is some of the best writing of the season, but the Melfi stuff was thrown together in the second to last episode to quickly wrap up her arc.