The Official Good Television Thread

Farrell... man I just find him to be mostly an insufferable actor. Miami Vice was amazing but other than that I don't know that I've ever liked him in anything else.

my two favourite farrell performances came in lanthimos movies the lobster and the killing of a sacred deer. turns out the dude was born to do deadpan comedy, he should do more of that.
um yea it's a fake quote from that awful season 2, ya fuck

sorry man, i dont have lines from that shitty season etched into my brain.
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Maybe if you called them films I'd be more inclined!
Lol, you really do like the more simplistic version of our language dont you? And again, one is a word that did not originate in English and is used in dozens of other languages and has quite a few other meanings, the other is a word that was born and originated in the English language and means only one thing ... a moving picture that you find on a ROLL OF FILM. ;)
I think there are women who find it difficult to care about Rust and Marty.
I don't think it's necessary or important to care about either characters. I've watched it like 6 times and don't care about either, tbh. The only character I actually like is Maggie, if I had to say I liked anyone.
All I ask is that you don't extend the opinion of one woman reviewer to those of all women, who according to you only like "garbage" television.
I think that article summarizes the feminist critique of season 1 pretty effectively. There's three articles on three large sites/companies but the complaints are all the same : Maggie is weak and Woody controls and fucks women while there are no women cops.
is that these shows attract a large viewing base of women. Your crude comment that women audiences enjoy "garbage" is easily refutable bullshit.
women get their own channel(at least 2? lifetime and hallmark?) and time of day (9am -> 4pm) and what is on? Who is Real Housewives of every city in America for? I think it's pretty fair to say good TV and good film is propped up by male viewing and male dollars. Grey's Anatomy is like the longest tenured show in however long, and i've seen every damn episode, and it's just garbage.
Watched the second episode of TD season three, and now we know that...

season three is set in the same universe as season one. I've always wondered, but now it's official.
Watched the second episode of TD season three, and now we know that...

season three is set in the same universe as season one. I've always wondered, but now it's official.

Many internet detectives started to wonder if this connection means Season 1 and Season 3 could take place in the same universe. Executive producer Scott Stephens weighed in and clarified if this was the case or not.

"Not really," Stephens told THR. "I guess it's set in the same fictional world everything is set in, right? The reference is kind of a nod to the [first season]. The stuff in Season 1 was based on the same sort of pedophilia stories that are mentioned by the documentary crew. That's kind of the connective tissue. It's just a fun way to tie things in."
is there anything going on in any season that would make it impossible for season 1 or 3 to be taking place in the same universe as season 2??
i'm legit seriously asking
because up until this post, i had really just kinda assumed that all the seasons would have some sort of Easter-eggs where all the seasons would be unmistakably one-single-universe

keep in mind, however, i haven't actually watched any of the seasons all the way through
Many internet detectives started to wonder if this connection means Season 1 and Season 3 could take place in the same universe. Executive producer Scott Stephens weighed in and clarified if this was the case or not.

"Not really," Stephens told THR. "I guess it's set in the same fictional world everything is set in, right? The reference is kind of a nod to the [first season]. The stuff in Season 1 was based on the same sort of pedophilia stories that are mentioned by the documentary crew. That's kind of the connective tissue. It's just a fun way to tie things in."

I saw that. I always take comments like this with a grain of salt, for various reasons.

But my head-shaking reaction has to do with Stephens's hair-splitting of "universe" and "fictional world." When asked if season three takes places in the same universe as season one, Stephens replies "Not really. I guess it's set in the same fictional world everything is set in, right?"

If by "everything," he means everything to do with the all three seasons, then what's the difference? Universe = fictional world. That's what people are wondering. And he goes on to call it a "connective tissue" and that it's a "fun way to tie things in." He's being annoyingly coy about it. Just admit it; it's set in the same universe, or world, or reality... whatever you want to call it.

There's no logical reason for viewers to assume that all the TD seasons were set in the same fictional world, although it's certainly plausible. That's why it's a point of interest. Furthermore, making the connection between the dolls and the crooked spiral introduces a host of other formal questions: for example, is the mention of the crooked spiral a red herring presented to lead viewers off-track? Of course those involved in the show will avoid talking about the reference, because they don't want to give anything away.

And I realize that may have been an unnecessary "spoiler" in my previous post, but I figured maybe some people would want to figure it out for themselves. But it's not a spoiler about the narrative of season three.