its narrative is in the zombie tradition of Romero and if you think Romero's films were just about zombies you're a dunce.
if you think the point of Romero's films would be better executed over 200 episodes rather than a 2 hour film, that's on you -- but I think the majority disagree. People don't watch WD because they get an extended look at Dawn of the Dead, rather they get gore and human interaction mixed with "oh my we should let this nice stranger in" vs. "never let strangers in!!!!
mean, after the zombies are established as a threat, they fade into the background and become fodder for the action, the real threats in the show are other people.
I watched like 8 seasons and this was never the case. I know that baseball bat dude may have changed things but zombies always played a central role in all major events AND whenever the writers needed something to change, zombie time!!!!
Your entire argument is premised on the assumption that you know "good" television from "bad" television. But you're actually one of the last people qualified to make any kind of aesthetic judgment beyond what you find imminently satisfying.
I was wondering where this came from, but I never said it was a garbage show. it's like a 6/10--if its on, ok leave it on. but not worthy of recommendation. I'm actually surprised you threw this shows name into the arena with TD -- it's just lowball. Was there anything less effective than the back and forth storytelling? All it did was treat you, the viewer, as one who couldn't grasp the very obvious dynamics of their little tribe. Shot of Reese talking about drinking vodka, next shot "Omg Reese has a drinking problem, like totallllllyyyyyyyyyy oh mah god"
Glad this mediocrity got Calamity Jane a good and hopefully well paid role. I should watch Deadwood again.
This show doesn't do mystery well, does nothing new with the Rich Housewives of X county drama, so what's the point? Rape-vengeance? Is this all people require to thrust this show into the spectrum of good television?
@rms get that lube out, because our neighborhood feminazi and aussi yobo are straight going to town on you man
i guess? at least CIG stopped talking about forcing himself to watch the new twin peaks season again just to see if he could fit in with the hipsters of the world