The Official Good Television Thread

Are you surprised? He's always looking for a place to fit in and a convo to jump in.

He's referring to when I made a thread with the intentions of trying to decipher the new Twin Peaks but gave up pretty quickly, nothing to do with jumping into a conversation, like you are right now, and also like you did when you brought up how much you can't get over my Armenian jokes when I was talking to HBB yesterday.

Stupid cunt lmao.
He's referring to when I made a thread with the intentions of trying to decipher the new Twin Peaks but gave up pretty quickly, nothing to do with jumping into a conversation, like you are right now, and also like you did when you brought up how much you can't get over my Armenian jokes when I was talking to HBB yesterday.

Stupid cunt lmao.

a) it was in response to his post to me, you dumb nitwit. Which came from me taking a friendly jab at him and ein and had nothihng to do with my trying to start a conversation or get in on anyones conversations, you dumb desert dweller.

b) i never said anything about "Armenian jokes" yesterday, just pointed out how much of a faker you are. Plenty of other people also did in the same thread and numerous other times. It's just who you are.

and by jumping in convos i mean you're just an attention hungry whore who will respond to anything and everything on this forum, regardless of topic or your knowledge on said topic. Is that something that you're really going to try and deny?
He always runs away, he's unfriended and refriended me on Facebook so many times I can't even count.
you never do these things? Answer carefully here or i'll pull your card

Sure thing, anything to avoid the truth.
avoid the truth? Like what im saying isn't right here in this thread? :lol: how moronic can you possibly be?

Oh sure, lmfao. The notoriously thin-skinned grudge-holder didn't mean my Armenian jokes. I really don't care about what you've said in your little private gossip sessions with your butt-buddies about me, though I'm flattered I guess.

i meant in every aspect you dumbass, that you're a faker. Same thing others here constantly say about you. You pretend to be someone here that you are not in real life ... as others even pointed out yesterday. For some reason you think that you talking about the Armenian Genocide is the ONE thing that makes me think that you're a faker? Are you forgetting that i was referring to you as a fake ass poser for years before you even said those things? :lol: but i must admit, i do like howthat whole thing is still constantly on your mind. Also, "dont care what i said" or you mean "dont care what everyone else in this forum has said and thinks"? Because that's what i was implying. I dont need to gossip with anyone since my opinion and thoughts on you are no secret.

Literally describing yourself. Zero self-awareness.
good comeback. We both know that i am 100% correct there, its something that's natural to you and you just cant seem to help it. And again, it's something that numerous other people have pointed out here.
Anyone check this out? Only got through a few episodes but I dig it. Spanish evil dead basically, a bit more focus on spirits than bodies. I never get tired of flashy quirky heroes.

I hope TD picks up steam, writing-wise. Thus far it feels pretty plodding, with a few healthy doses of first-season spice thrown in. Hopefully the 1990 plot thread adds some heat.
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i've ended up watching it. it has kinda felt like setup so far, and the ending of this ep suggests to me that we're now entering the second act so to speak. given the temporal themes i suspect this season is designed to get better over time, so i don't want to judge it at this stage. i'd rather it got better as it went on and built to something great, rather than doing the opposite like i (controversially, i guess?) thought season 1 did.
Interested to hear your thoughts when you do.
Finished Waco last night.

I thought it was entertaining but a slow starter, took us a bit to get into it. It interested me because I had no memory of what actually happened apart from hearing that a cult led by Koresh died in a fire at their compound. I deliberately didn’t Wiki it until we finished the show, and not knowing much info definitely made it more entertaining I think. Crazy that a siege could go for that long. It was obviously pretty sympathetic towards the Branch Davidians but I get they had to ‘pick a side’ to some degree. Good cast, lots of Boardwalk Empire heads on there. Apparently the real siege had a team of 25 or so negotiators, so consolidating down to just ONE MAN was probably a bit silly. People are saying it was too sympathetic to Koresh himself but I didn’t think so. Kitsch played him as the unhinged narcissist really well I thought.
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Finished Waco last night.

I thought it was entertaining but a slow starter, took us a bit to get into it. It interested me because I had no memory of what actually happened apart from hearing that a cult led by Koresh died in a fire at their compound. I deliberately didn’t Wiki it until we finished the show, and not knowing much info definitely made it more entertaining I think. Crazy that a siege could go for that long. It was obviously pretty sympathetic towards the Branch Davidians but I get they had to ‘pick a side’ to some degree. Good cast, lots of Boardwalk Empire heads on there. Apparently the real siege had a team of 25 or so negotiators, so consolidating down to just ONE MAN was probably a bit silly. People are saying it was too sympathetic to Koresh himself but I didn’t think so. Kitsch played him as the unhinged narcissist really well I thought.

Given that the entire story was made from people's accounts from both sides you'd have to suggest there is some truth to the story somewhere but it is difficult to figure out exactly where that truth was at times. Looking at what was screened there was problems on both sides and they were major problems not just a series of unfortunate events.
As much as looking at the kid made me laugh each time his face was on the screen I thought Macauley Culkin's brother (can't be bothered looking up his name) played a fairly good unhinged kid with no idea what he was doing, but maybe he had a family role model.
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I only saw two of the newest True Detective episodes so far. Seems to take a lot from the first season, the multiple timelines, the mystique, the village low-life atmosphere. So far it didn't venture to some new unknown though, which I believe will happen eventually. Might watch the third episode today.