The Official Good Television Thread

I've found The OA to be surprisingly endearing. The second season has definitely plunged into more interesting speculative territory, whereas the first season was a bit more reserved in its fantasy elements. I really liked the first season's atmosphere. It had an air of isolation, or separateness--as though its setting was dislocated from the world. The half-built, post-2008 environment of the subdivision supported that atmosphere, I think.

The second season has more of a Pynchonian vibe, especially given the private investigator plot line (which takes place in California, no less). The dislocation isn't there anymore, but it's a welcome shift in tone.

Anyway, I'm enjoying it. It's not mind-blowing or anything, but it's well-executed and just weird enough to pique my interest.
I started watching The Act on Hulu, and I have to say its a really good show so far. It's about a mother named Dee Dee who has a really toxic relationship with her teenage daughter, Gypsy, who supposedly has a bunch of ailments. While Gypsy is trying to become more independent and get involved more teen appropriate things, her mother is constantly trying to make her more and more child-like. It's a crime drama show... I won't say anything more, but it's really good. I'm addicted!
Honestly, stop watching after you’ve finished season 4! It’s been downhill since. But I never expected it to hit this episode’s level of bad.

To top it off, I got home from work today to find out I’ve been fucking burgled. And then this to end a shitty day!
Didn’t like nearly everything about the latest Game of Thrones episode.

What a rushed disaster it was.
I'm so tired of characters dying just because. My wife is unhappy with it but shes too invested to hate it. My sister is borderline infuriated, I expect her to sit and cry at the finale. (and no not because of MUH FEMINISM)

Why was the camera on Arya half the episode? She literally did nothing at all. Sandor died for no reason at all. The Mountain shouldnt even be dead should he? He took a fucking sword through the brain and DIDNT FLINCH. How can falling in fire hurt him? Jamie and Euron fought for no reason at all. Jamie and Cersei died in probably the most underwhelming way I can think of. Suddenly the ballista were completely ineffective and were shooting slowly one at a time even though they were all loaded and prepared. (supposed I should have saw the plot armor coming there) The. Golden. Company. Just. Died. Instantly. Why the fuck did their inclusion matter in the slightest,? Not a single member of the golden company, a supposed elite army, even had a way to scratch the dragon or even the fucking Unsullied. Did they even know about it? The remaining dragon suddenly has 3x the width of his firebreath vs the wights. Apparently the Dothraki can reproduce by fucking the Unsullied in the ass because they were both routed yet suddenly back in superior numbers. The person that wants to free people from tyrants decides to fucking slaughter them all instead. That shitty list of spoilers posted on reddit has been spot on so far, which is a fucking bummer... I just want Jon to go back and live with his doggy and Tormund and fuck all the rest of the nonsense.