The Official Good Television Thread

So the new season of Lost is pretty fucking sweet so far. I know that it's not considered "good" by many people here, but I, for one, enjoy it. If there are any other ostracized Lost nuts here, what did you all think?
I don't watch the new episodes immediately, I tend to save up so I can watch 3-4 episodes in a row, it's about the length of a movie that way.

I actually intend to watch the first three episodes of Season 6 tonight, I'll let you know what I think.
I'm not sure how I feel about this season so far. There are just so many characters now. Obviously that was always the case, but come on... there are a lot of people involved in the story, and characters that were important before just seem to vanish. Charles Widmore? Hello?

Anyway, the presence of Rob McElhenney in last nights episode has reminded me of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and how I consider it to be perhaps the best comedy on TV today.

Yeah, my girlfriend is obsessed with trying to figure it out, but I don't concern myself with it. They really have crafted some great characters in this story, and the relationships between them are what make the show interesting. I'm enthralled by what has happened so far, and I have no idea where they're going. Hopefully it all makes sense by the finale.

I won't say anything yet; I'll wait until VP watches the new episodes.
(This post contains minor Lost spoilers up to S06E03. They are probably very minor, I have gone out of my way to avoid major spoilers, but if you're really concerned I'd suggest not reading it.)

Okay, I just watched the latest three episodes. I should start by saying I actually didn't find Season 5 all that wonderful. It felt like a great deal of the drama that made the previous seasons so great was lost in the spastic narrative. The only moment that was really gripping was the revelation in the season finale which had tremendous consequences on previous events of the season, causing a delayed reaction to a particularly significant event that didn't have much impact at the time. Now that's great storytelling. (Trying to avoid spoilers but if you don't get it I can explain what I'm referring to)

The first three episodes of the sixth season gave me the impression that this time the drama is back in full force. And I am glad. That scene with everyone leaving the plane except Locke was especially poignant. I like the new additions to the cast, and it seems we finally have a good villain again (something S5 sorely lacked, but not the seasons preceding it)

The only complaint I have is that there were actually less OMGWTFBBQ moments than expected. I've heard others who have watched the season première say they had no idea what was going on, but so far, this season is far more straightforward than any part of S5. In a good and a bad way.

I've so far considered S4 the peak of the series, but S6 has potential to change that.
Does anyone else watch Modern Family? It's actually very funny.

Anyway, time for some Lost talk:


How about Ethan at the fucking hospital? I really like the idea of seeing what happens to everyone with 815 not crashing, but this is a little weird (but cool). We already saw that Ethan was in the barracks on the day of the crash and that the others weren't expecting the crash... Why would the crash not happening cause him to be elsewhere that day?
I'm 3-episodes in to the new Starz series Spartacus- Blood and Sand...anyone else following? Pretty damn good so far imo.
currently downloading the new episode of Lost as I cant fucking watch it here! It's been a good start like always and im just excited to see how it goes along
Does anyone else watch Modern Family? It's actually very funny.

Anyway, time for some Lost talk:


How about Ethan at the fucking hospital? I really like the idea of seeing what happens to everyone with 815 not crashing, but this is a little weird (but cool). We already saw that Ethan was in the barracks on the day of the crash and that the others weren't expecting the crash... Why would the crash not happening cause him to be elsewhere that day?


I know, that sent my head spinning. And the fact that he's still involved with Claire nicely parallels the original story.
Anyway, time for some Lost talk:


How about Ethan at the fucking hospital? I really like the idea of seeing what happens to everyone with 815 not crashing, but this is a little weird (but cool). We already saw that Ethan was in the barracks on the day of the crash and that the others weren't expecting the crash... Why would the crash not happening cause him to be elsewhere that day?
Because nobody ever went to the island, at least not recently. It's underwater now.
I liked the premiere enough, but was kind of pissed that they introduced even more new characters. The last episode was a Kate episode, and no Locke, so it sucked. I hope we have some Locke or Ben episodes soon.