The Official Good Television Thread


I forgot about the scene in the premiere. Yup, the ol' island's underwater.

I really hope Ben plays some significant role in the future of the characters. He seems like he's completed his fall from master manipulator to victim of manipulation and seduction. Now he needs to rise again and kick some Evil-Locke ass.

I always enjoyed the episodes with Locke and Linus the best. And I really miss Mr. Eko; I hope he makes a return this season.
The last episode is going to be Frogurt centric. Watch.

The alternate 2004 storyline is pretty cool, actually. As long as they don't find a way to bring back the Michael "I'VE GOT TO FIND MY BOY! WAAAALT!" arc, I think I'll be okay.

Though I would really, really like to know why the Others wanted Walt way back in S2 (or was it S1?).
Spartacus and rival Crixus fight as one against the beast Theocules tomorrow nite! I already have a SPART-ON!
So, AMC is televising Breaking Bad episodes from start to finish. I watched the first two episodes and this show is pretty damn awesome.

I also just discovered The Office. That is a funny, funny show.