The Official Good Television Thread

I just watched the first episode of the new series of Peep Show. Not the strongest episode ever, but still very funny. I think the baby will probably greatly change the dynamic of the show, but Mark and Jez haven't changed at all and there was some vintage Hans.

Thanks muchly for the heads up. I didn't realise it was back on.

Sons of Anarchy = Best tv-series ever. Much better than Sopranos imo.

You've got to be fucking kidding. Sons of Anarchy is trash. Mildly enjoyable trash, but trash nonetheless. There are more holes in the plot than you'd find in your average sink strainer. The acting is mostly weak (except for maybe Katy Segal) and the production and editing are terrible. This season has been especially hilarious/torturous with their expedition to Belfast to find Jacks' son and nearly miss getting blown up/shot/deported/killed by the IRA about 500 times before of course triumphing and coming home unscathed and with the prize. And the scene where Jacks almost fucks his sister was just bizarre.
Finished Sopranos a few weeks ago. I liked it, but I was a bit underwhelmed since it's considered one of the greatest TV series ever. I wouldn't call it one of my favourites.

Gave The Wire another chance. I had previously watched the first season, but it didn't really grab me. The second season, however, was amazing. As was the third. As is the fourth so far. The cast is just fucking amazing. It bothered me how conclusive the second season was, to the point that most of the characters introduced in it would not return for the following season, but I don't mean to complain as it wouldn't make sense for them to. I just miss them.
You've got to be fucking kidding. Sons of Anarchy is trash. Mildly enjoyable trash, but trash nonetheless. There are more holes in the plot than you'd find in your average sink strainer. The acting is mostly weak (except for maybe Katy Segal) and the production and editing are terrible. This season has been especially hilarious/torturous with their expedition to Belfast to find Jacks' son and nearly miss getting blown up/shot/deported/killed by the IRA about 500 times before of course triumphing and coming home unscathed and with the prize. And the scene where Jacks almost fucks his sister was just bizarre.

Pretty much. Season three has easily been the worst yet. Convoluted and mostly ridiculous. It's definitely a guilty pleasure. Doesn't even begin to approach greats like The Sopranos, Deadwood, or The Wire.

The Walking Dead seems fairly overhyped. The first two episodes were good but it's since descended into sappy sob stories about poorly written characters that have had barely any screen time. Also, the acting and dialogue tends to suck.
The Walking Dead seems fairly overhyped. The first two episodes were good but it's since descended into sappy sob stories about poorly written characters that have had barely any screen time. Also, the acting and dialogue tends to suck.

Yep. They need to pull something out of the bag soon because at the moment I feel like I'm watching a cross between Survivor, Lost and a bad zombie movie.

Boardwalk Empire on the other hand is getting more awesome each episode. Van Alden is my favorite character, he's so wonderfully mental.
Sons of Anarchy = Best tv-series ever.

Breaking Bad is way better. I really don't give a shit what STN says about SOA as I think it's a great show and he's obviously wrong here :) (I actually think it's one of the best I've ever seen next to BB and Burn Notice, but that's really just an updated MacGyver). Though, nothing will ever beat The West Wing.

I thought the finale was fucking awesome.

FTR, I have never seen The Sopranos

I only started watching Boardwalk Empire on the last two episodes. Kinda bummed I missed the rest of it.
I'm still waiting for Netflix to get disc one of Twin Peaks back in.

And to preempt some possible comments, I fucking hate watching television/film on my shitty computer from two feet away, and I enjoy watching it on my nice television from the comfort of my couch. And I like special features and possibly captions. This just reminds me of how unhappy I am with Netflix for this move towards streaming content. The selection for streaming is shitty, and even if it gets better, the lack of features is a real irritant.
I'm surprised they don't have options for subtitles during the stream... that's odd.

And don't they do something that allows one to stream the deleted scenes from a rental? I would figure that they would also have a selection of different versions of a movie (say the directors cut and the theatrical cut of Alien, both versions in either full or widescreen), and depending on what version you rented you could view the available content that was associated with that disk.

I've never had Netflix, I have no idea how it really operates.
Thanks muchly for the heads up. I didn't realise it was back on.

You've got to be fucking kidding. Sons of Anarchy is trash. Mildly enjoyable trash, but trash nonetheless. There are more holes in the plot than you'd find in your average sink strainer. The acting is mostly weak (except for maybe Katy Segal) and the production and editing are terrible. This season has been especially hilarious/torturous with their expedition to Belfast to find Jacks' son and nearly miss getting blown up/shot/deported/killed by the IRA about 500 times before of course triumphing and coming home unscathed and with the prize. And the scene where Jacks almost fucks his sister was just bizarre.

I'v only seen about half first season yet, and I like what I'v seen. Too bad if it gets worse from season 2 and forward. I guess I'll just have to see for myself :)
I'm surprised they don't have options for subtitles during the stream... that's odd.

And don't they do something that allows one to stream the deleted scenes from a rental? I would figure that they would also have a selection of different versions of a movie (say the directors cut and the theatrical cut of Alien, both versions in either full or widescreen), and depending on what version you rented you could view the available content that was associated with that disk.

I've never had Netflix, I have no idea how it really operates.
Streaming from Netflix is pretty much like watching YouTube. There's no functionality to it. As opposed to getting a disc in the mail, where you obviously can access whatever is on there. This of course doesn't help when the extra features are on a second disc that can't be requested. Sometimes the extras discs can be had, and sometimes there are different cuts available i.e. Dune. On the other hand, some movies are stripped-down rental discs that are nothing but the film and some trailers.
FTR, I have never seen The Sopranos


don't you all just wish you were watching twin peaks instead?

I'm just about to start from the beginning again.

Season 1 is by far the worst season for SOA. Season 2 is the best.

No way. Season 3 is easily the worst. The Belfast jaunt was utterly ridiculous.

Yep. They need to pull something out of the bag soon because at the moment I feel like I'm watching a cross between Survivor, Lost and a bad zombie movie.

I forgot to mention the 'Latino gang with a heart of gold' in episode 4. I nearly died laughing/groaning.
Yeah the best tv-series are Twin Peaks, The X-Files and Riget (The Kingdom)

Started watching Fringe and can't make up my mind if I really like it or if I think it's just a huge X-files ripoff.
It is a huge X-Files ripoff, to the point where they start using names from X-Files for characters in Fringe. But it's still good, in my opinion. The third season just ended, and it got pretty epic.