The Official Good Television Thread

re: SOA

Season 1 was good.

Season 2 was maybe the best season in the history of t.v.

Season 3 was good with an amazing ending to the season. Maybe the Ireland trip didn't go over so great...but people need to understand there is atleast a connection, a history there etc with the club. Characters have direct ties to Ireland and one of the so called villans is obviously from entirely a bad change of pace to the show.

Greatly enjoyed the 1st season of TERRIERS as well.
Can't wait...
Spartacus- Gods Of The Arena (prem jan 21 on Starz). The prequil to the amazing season 1 of Spartacus- Blood And Sand. Strap a pair on sissy's...

Also @ Satanstoenail- damn, thats really too bad about Terriers. From what I'm hearing, reading etc., FX is getting slammed for taking Terriers off the air. And mentionings of another network possibly taking this series, characters, plot on?...hopefully.
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Cant wait to pick up the blu-ray of it. Heard some many good things from everyone.
fucking GREAT show, i really don't watch tv at all and it's in my short short list of shows that i love and i can't wait until the new season (october unfortunately :( )

it's much more than zombie killing, its awesome character development that you actually like with a post apocalyptic setting
it's much more than zombie killing, its awesome character development that you actually like with a post apocalyptic setting

Ironically if it was just zombie killing and plain survival it would have been halfway decent. Half the problem is the episodes centered around characters who have had barely any development at all, but suddenly we're supposed to give half a fuck about some broad and her dead, zombiefied sister? In six episodes, nonetheless? Fuck that. It was watchable, but I won't even be bothering with the second season.
I love the show Corner Gas, so I finally got around to checking out some episodes of both Dan For Mayor and Hiccups.

Fuck they were garbage. I was expecting something funny, seeing as how Corner Gas was one of my favorite TV shows. But they're just really bland.

To Catch A Predator is one of the funniest shows I've seen. It's so fun to be a gloating asshole.
Just saw a repeat of 'Interview With a Poltergeist' on the ABC.It's a doco about the Enfield Poltergeist and atleast the second time i've seen it but it's damn good and creepy.