The Official Good Television Thread

have you watched Sopranos? Californication(first two seasons--turning into Entourage now), Brotherhood, Six Feet Under, think that's all I can think of
So these last two months I've caught up with Sons of Anarchy, Boardwalk Empire and The Walking Dead, in that order.

Sons of Anarchy... I agree with what others have said before in this thread, stupid, but fun, once you get past the boring self-contained episodes in the first season. Horrible Irish accents, aside from that the cast is pretty decent, especially Katey Sagal. Belfast arc sucked. Awful soundtrack, godawful musical montages. Disappointed that <spoiler> died in the second season finale, he could have had an interesting arc in season 3. Annoyingly convenient bridgedropping in the opening episode of season 3.

I'm a huge fan of Steve Buscemi, so I was looking forward to Boardwalk Empire. So good to see him in a lead role. The cast is shaping up to be really strong. I liked the first season but I'm a bit underwhelmed, it seems like it should be the greatest TV series ever and it just isn't. Or maybe it is and I just don't get it, just like with the Sopranos, which, considering the people involved, is entirely possible.

Had really low expectations for The Walking Dead but I had to watch it anyway because I just love zombies. The pilot episode was appalingly bad, but to my great surprise I found the following episodes very entertaining. The acting is spotty, as is the writing, and the directing does jack to capture the beauty of ruined cities but it's fun. And zombies. I'm looking forward to season 2.

Help, I may have exhausted tv. Can someone recommend me something really fucking good that I haven't seen plz thx.

I have nothing to recommend but the obvious; The Wire, Rome, Oz, and a bunch of other stuff that I either know you have seen or don't think you'll enjoy.
good luck with the second season :lol:

nah, fucking great show all around.

really stoked with the wins for boardwalk empire, really deserved. steve buscemi is so great, i can't believe that's his first win and first nomination. fucking crazy

about to start californication and made men, also no ordinary family is kind of lame but i like it for some reason.
Lovez me some Modern Family!

Checked it out, looks ok, thanks.

have you watched Sopranos? Californication(first two seasons--turning into Entourage now), Brotherhood, Six Feet Under, think that's all I can think of

Yeah I've seen all of those except Brotherhood which I've never heard of. Will investigate, cheers.

I have nothing to recommend but the obvious; The Wire, Rome, Oz, and a bunch of other stuff that I either know you have seen or don't think you'll enjoy.

Forgot about Rome, I should definitely put that next on my list I think. Thanks. I've seen some of Oz, I quite liked it but my girlfriend hates it for some reason.

i assume you've seen deadwood and breaking bad?

Better off watching Aussie shows and docos on SBS and ABC mate.I have nothing against the US but I cannot watch American TV barring their animations.

You obviously haven't seen Breaking Bad or Six Feet Under or The Sopranos or Deadwood or Boardwalk Empire or Mad Men or Generation Kill or any of the other fantastic quality stuff to come out of the States. Aussie tv sucks shit in comparison. Love My Way is the only half decent drama to come out of Australia ever.

Also SBS now has adverts which I can't stand.
TBH i'm not really interested in any drama,mind you I seem to handle and relate to Aussie drama way more than that american crap,what is it ? NSI<NCI MIamai rah rah rah.All rubbish to me dude,i've watched the sopranos before and it was ok but still...yeah give me news or docos that relate to my circumstance any day over that shit and btw there are way more commercials in those programs you mentioned than that on SBS.
TBH i'm not really interested in any drama,mind you I seem to handle and relate to Aussie drama way more than that american crap,what is it ? NSI<NCI MIamai rah rah rah.All rubbish to me dude,i've watched the sopranos before and it was ok but still...yeah give me news or docos that relate to my circumstance any day over that shit

Crap American cop shows are crap yeah. Then there is stuff like The Wire, which is brilliant. If you only like news and documentaries then why comment? It's kinda like someone who only reads newspapers and autobiographies saying that Neal Stephenson is a shit writer.

and btw there are way more commercials in those programs you mentioned than that on SBS.

Not if you download them or purchase the dvds if/when they finally get released.
I comment because I've yet to see a program/series which warrants apart from the Sopranos the kind've saturation and primetime showings that those programs get here.Personally I think that it's because we don't have the required number of Australian drama shows to fill those time slots,if there were more shows and episodes from the likes of 'Packed To The Rafters' and even 'All Saints' i'd be happy.Sorry man I just cannot stomach any US drama or sitcoms for that matter.Just an observation and while i'm at it,i've grown to love the ABC and especially SBS over the last few years because of the superlative docos that they present from time to time and also especially in the ABC's case,their continuing support of Australian art,news an current affairs.
You're right in the fact that we don't generally do drama well,comedy though we do exceptionally well,'Summer Heights High' is the funniest thing I have ever seen(on of the ABC's crowning achievements) and cannot wait for Chris Lilly's newest project to hit the screen.I just get so sick of US TV on our screens and don't find it dramatic nor 'funny,apart from 'King Of The Hill' and 'The Simpsons'.And I doubt it helps that the US keeps stealing most of our talent.
Summer Heights High is an exception, obviously Chris Lilley is talented at what he does. Wilfred also wasn't too bad. Early Kath & Kim was funny as well. That's about all I can think of though. Compare that to the fuckton of British comedy out there that rules.

There are a few other Aussie panel shows that I don't mind such as The Gruen Transfer and Q&A.

I'd love to be able to be all patriotic about it (actually I probably wouldn't) and support our industry more and be happy that we produce worthy viewing, but it just isn't the case and I'm not going to watch substandard rubbish like Packed To The Rafters just because it's Australian when there's mind blowingly fantastic stuff being made overseas.
I comment because I've yet to see a program/series which warrants apart from the Sopranos the kind've saturation and primetime showings that those programs get here.

Have you watched, for instance, Breaking Bad or The Wire? What about American comedies like It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia or Arrested Development? I clearly can't comment on Australian television, I'm just trying to suggest some things that may have slipped by you.
Just finished The Sopranos, and I don't think the last episode hit it home with me! haha, wish there could have been some closure on the mob family, but maybe the focus was just the family...but who knows, what a fantastic show. Going to buy the boxset soon. Starting Deadwood next, never got my full attention when I was in korea
Has anyone watched The Trip? One of the funniest comedies I've seen in ages. It's directed by Michael Winterbottom and largely improvised. Basically Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon play "themselves" doing a tour of restaurants through the north of England just doing voices and impersonations and nitpicking the shit out each other. Genuinely hilarious. Supposedly it's also been edited into a movie version for various festivals.