The Official Good Television Thread

Oh shit arrested is on there?? fuck yeah

I know, I sorted through the whole fucking thing but I don't know what's goo or not, a lot of shows I've never heard which I could be missing out on. Like I randomly found the Hard Times of RJ Berger on netflix and that's a fucking ace show but I never heard of it before.
Breaking Bad is coming back soon! I'm sure most of us are pump up for the return of the show.

Any Twilight Zone fans here?
I got the netflix thang a couple weeks ago, pretty cool stuff, especially streaming on the TV for $8 a month, not bad.

I also started the 1 month trial for HuluPlus. ENTIRE BACK CATALOG OF SNL. Booyah.

Oh and Netflix has the first 2 season of Dexter, watch that if you haven't.

Does anyone watch Big Brother btw? :B
Aside from Curb and Breaking Bad, Louie has had me addicted for quite a while now. The fact that he gets away with making such a brilliantly unorthodox show on FX, pretty much by himself, nonetheless, is pretty amazing.

I've just downloaded the first season of this. Looks good from what I've watched on youtube:

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I was all ready to mention Breaking Bad, but I guess that's a little past relevant. And that's really the only show I watch, other than occasional viewing of USA, Adult Swim, or Comedy Central. Law and Order, NCIS, American Dad, South Park. You know, the same stuff everyone else watches. :P
Once someone starts watching it it spreads like a cancer to everyone acquainted with them. At least from my experience. I'm almost done rewatching the series (4 episodes left) in anticipation of season 4. Can't believe it's been a whole year since season 3...
Oh shit arrested is on there?? fuck yeah

I know, I sorted through the whole fucking thing but I don't know what's goo or not, a lot of shows I've never heard which I could be missing out on. Like I randomly found the Hard Times of RJ Berger on netflix and that's a fucking ace show but I never heard of it before.

Started watching the Hard Times of RJ Berger yesterday, pretty funny stuff! Never really heard of it either before.
Louie is a great show indeed, but being a huge fan of his stand-up, I was expecting even more greatness and was slightly underwhelmed by season 1.