The Official Good Television Thread

Ok, I'm officially hooked on Ghost Encounters on the Travel Channel. I'm more into the historic aspect, the sites and the actual events that may have took place in the past etc. As for the actual ghosty encounters that they experience / witness...not sure if they are real, fake, staged etc? Any other fans? Any info, facts or insight to it being legit or faked? I believe in ghosts but sometimes I wonder if some of the ghostly voices heard or recorded are just some dude in the production team playing it out.
Been watching Paranormal Witness on syfy. It's not bad at all, if you're into that sort of thing. (which is basically people telling stories of the paranormal to a decently done imagining of the event.
I have been wanting to give Breaking Bad a try for some time. The first three seasons are finally on Instant, & I am completely hooked. What a great show.
Been watching Paranormal Witness on syfy. It's not bad at all, if you're into that sort of thing. (which is basically people telling stories of the paranormal to a decently done imagining of the event.

Sure, I've seen this as well...not too bad.

Though interesting and entertaining, strangely enough the paranormal / ghostly stuff with most of these shows don't really do it for me. Again, its more the historic aspect. The presentation of this...the so called site tour they'll take you on...if this makes any sense? Guess I like hearing about how a real life Billy was committed to said mental hosp, how he was treated and how he came to an unfortunate death. Hearing Billy's voice captured on tape saying "kill Nick and his crew". Freaky at times, but kinda meh.
The wait for the final two Breaking Bad episodes of the season is seriously painful. I see your WOW and GODDAMN and raise a HOLY SHIT

Ozz already HOLY SHITed, so you're OUT.

But yeah, I'm seriously savouring every moment of that show.

I watched the first ep of the new season of Boardwalk Empire after the latest Breaking Bad ep last night and it was good but I was far too wowed by BB to watch it properly.
American Horror Story- premired tonite on FX.

Thought it was great! A nice little thrill ride to the start...with some backbone and good acting imo.
I just got done living Breaking Bad in real life the last couple years (minus the ability to actually make meth and having cancer). I can go without watching that one haha.
Didn't think the finale was quite as good as the absurdly brilliant Crawl Space episode, but it was still amazing. But a lot of it proceeded exactly the way I expected it to and there were a few subplots I hoped it would involve that it didn't.