The Official Good Television Thread

Boardwalk Empire is my current favorite viewing. This season has been ruling immensely.

I've been watching The Walking Dead as filler viewing and holy shit it's bad.
I know I wasn't expecting the ending.

Neither was I. Awesome finish to the season. That's the last of the good telly for a while. I watched the first ep of the latest season of Sons of Anarchy. Oh dear.

Edit: Actually I'd better check out Hell On Wheels quick smart.
I struggled through 3 eps and it seemed like a poor mans Deadwood to me. I wish I enjoyed it but I don't think I'll bother. Other turds of late include Dexter (I used to love this show but FUCK this has been bad) and Walking Dead.

Agreed on all comments regarding Boardwalk. What an amazing season that was. Probably the best season I've watched of anything all year.

Also Misfits has been awesome despite the lack of a certain cast member from the first two seasons and I thought the new SOA was decent for the most part, if a little a disappointing in the finale.
Didn't realise Misfits was back on, cheers. I'll probably press on with Hell On Wheels to see if it comes good at all but it doesn't look promising.
Holy crap, I just watched eps 1 & 2 of Black Mirror, a UK mini series. Everyone should watch it now. Ep 3 (final) is yet to come. Seriously awesome.
Actually I just watched the first episode of that a couple days. Those brits make some seriously quality shows but they always have such painfully short seasons! If you haven't seen it yet check out Luther as well.
Actually I just watched the first episode of that a couple days. Those brits make some seriously quality shows but they always have such painfully short seasons! If you haven't seen it yet check out Luther as well.

Episode two is a whole new level of amazing. The writer, Charlie Brooker, has another series called Dead Set from a few years ago that I'm downloading now which is set in the Big Brother house during a zombie apocalypse. I'll check out Luther.

Also I watched the first ep of new Misfits and thought it wasn't as good. Will persevere though.
I was hooked after the first episode of Hell on Wheels, so I can't speak as to whether anyone who didn't enjoy the pilot would enjoy future episodes.

Personally, I think the story is very good, and that it's going somewhere interesting. Furthermore, the show's commentary on the current economic crisis and the scandals that rocked Wall Street recently is brilliantly intertwined with true historical events, and also offers scathing criticism of expansionism; and all that in only five episodes.
Episode two is a whole new level of amazing. The writer, Charlie Brooker, has another series called Dead Set from a few years ago that I'm downloading now which is set in the Big Brother house during a zombie apocalypse. I'll check out Luther.

Also I watched the first ep of new Misfits and thought it wasn't as good. Will persevere though.

I've been reading mixed opinions on the new Misfits and I don't know if it's just bitterness for the most part over the lack of a certain character but I've been enjoying it just as much as the previous seasons. I think Rudy's awesome... well he gets better at least.

And fucking hell. Just watched that second episode. 0__0
I've been reading mixed opinions on the new Misfits and I don't know if it's just bitterness for the most part over the lack of a certain character but I've been enjoying it just as much as the previous seasons. I think Rudy's awesome... well he gets better at least.

The first episode was annoying in that it was purely a vehicle for the explanation of the new team.

And fucking hell. Just watched that second episode. 0__0

Yeah. I watched the third (and unfortunately last) one last night. Not as mindblowingly amazing as the second, but still better than everything else on tv at the moment. Apparently it rated really badly as well. Stupid people.