The Official Good Television Thread

My girlfriend got me into this:


and now I'm turning into a full on nerd because I really enjoy the show.
Right of the bat Spartacus - Vengeance first episode was bigger and better than anything I've seen thus far. They held nothing back to kick-off the new season! The new Spartacus (actor) character very much impressed!
Anyone watch Boss? Watched the few episode the other day, seemed all right but been watching the John Adams mini series from HBO, pretty cool show.
finished Sleeper Cell and Terriers the past couple weeks. season 1 of Sleeper Cell is pretty slow and mediocre overall but really picks up in season 2. Terriers was okay but i'm surprised it didn't get renewed as there's been much shittier shows that get a second season.
Anyone watch Boss? If not I highly recommend it. Chicago Political show starring Kelsey Grammar as the Mayor and it's quite fantastic
I wish some network would pick up Terriers...a very cool show. And to leave us hanging in the balance with the two characters literally in the crossroads and needing to make some big decisions...oh well.

2 eps into Spartacus - vengeance...its f'in dynamite!
Anyone watch Boss? If not I highly recommend it. Chicago Political show starring Kelsey Grammar as the Mayor and it's quite fantastic

I've given it a red hot go but it's not grabbing me.. It keeps feeling like it's going to pick up but it doesn't.

Also tried a couple of eps of Luck, a new drama about horse racing starring Dustin Hoffman & Nick Nolte among others. It comes well recommended but again it's not grabbing me at all. It's not helping that the dialogue seems really low in the mix and really hard to understand.

It seems like there are a lot of Hollywood 'big guns' jumping on the big tv drama bandwagon all of a sudden and we have these impeccably produced and acted shows that are completely lacking in substance. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come.
Man I say totally stick with it until the end..I think it's 8 episodes, and honestly it's amazing. Has potential to be The Wire good..I've also been watching Luck, no idea where the plot is going but sort of interesting enough to watch it every week
I've started watching two shows lately that I enjoy a whole lot for similar reasons although they are very different. They are Person of Interest and Justified, and they are similar to me in that they are the two best episodic series I have ever seen (I am almost unconditionally bored by self-contained episodes) and that they are both redeemed of their various flaws by the charismatic performances of their lead actors.

I've seen the first 12 episodes of Person of Interest, I will watch the rest when the first season finishes. I recommend this series, with a "but"; while I do enjoy serious, respectable dramas like The Wire, Breaking Bad et al., I also enjoy more questionable and cheesy series like say Alias. Person of Interest sort of falls in the latter category. The concept requires a bit of suspension of disbelief but I have been captivated by almost every single episode in a way that self-contained episodes barely ever captivate me. I find Caviezel and Emerson incredibly fun to watch as the main characters.

I'm just about to finish season 2 of Justified. Terrific series so far, amazing dialogue. I have never liked Timothy Olyphant this much in anything. Despite my preference for story arcs over self-contained episodes, this series has generally been at its best when episodic. Though I do like where this season is going, so maybe that's about to change. The self-contained episodes have been full of amazing one-off characters, like Roland Pike, that prisoner played by Swearengen's henchman from Deadwood, or that old bank robber guy with the oxygen tank, their names escape me.

It's a bit lacking in ambition, and the character of Boyd is a bit weird. Goggins does an awesome job and he's consistently one of the most fun characters to watch, but I have trouble buying his character development. Maybe there's a logic to it that I'm missing. But even this, and some of the more absurd elements of the plot, I feel kind of fit the style of the series. I think having Raylan as our PoV character helps.

My mother told me the other day that one of my brother's country band's songs is on the soundtrack of a season 3 episode. I wish I had found that out for myself, that would have blown my mind a little.
Been watching Breaking Bad here and there on Netflix. Other shows I enjoy, Pawn Stars, Burn Notice.