God Of Emptiness
Finally getting to watch A Game Of Thrones. Got the first couple of discs from Netflix and it was good enough to buy on Blu. Can't wait to see the rest of it.
Finally getting to watch A Game Of Thrones. Got the first couple of discs from Netflix and it was good enough to buy on Blu. Can't wait to see the rest of it.
I've started watching Breaking Bad. What have I gotten myself into? This isn't helping my productivity at all
hell yes. Going to be badass!
Haha!in before STN
Fucking HOOKED on Sons of Anarchy, only into the second season but I can't say I've enjoyed many shows as much
in before STN
I know of these characters first hand...had a cousin that ran a body shop where these real biker types frequently visited. Never said the show was legit or accurate. SOA simply has great characters...its amusing and entertaining.
Maybe you would prefer SOA producer K. Sutter's new show OUTLAW RIDERS that interviews real life biker characters and depicts thier stories etc.