The Official Good Television Thread

I enjoy Game of Thrones (having not read the books), but it is certainly not at all without its flaws. I do think the second season finished strong with the last two episodes. For a show that, in my views, has struggled with pacing and flow, the finale handled that aspect fairly expertly while darting across about a dozen different storylines. I have to say though that the strongest element of the series is its surprisingly good acting. I can't even think of a performance that I can recall that stuck out as incongruous with the nature of the show (although the kid playing Catelyn Stark's nephew is weird).

Having read the first three books of ASoIaF, and watched the first season of GoT, I can't decide if I should keep reading the books or just follow the series. On one hand, I find GRRM's writing crude and vulgar (and his use of onomatopoeia makes me cringe, but that's just nitpicking) whereas GoT, like every HBO series I've seen, has impeccable execution. But what I did like about the books most of all, was the characterization, and GoT seems a bit hit-and-miss in adapting that. I love the guy they got to play Bronn, but others like the Hound I like nowhere near as much as in the books. And then there's the level of detail just being lower overall.

EDIT: Not to mention the spoiler risk if I don't keep up with the books, a problem that wouldn't exist if people just weren't such jackasses :/
I delved into Mad Men recently. I'm through the first season and 9 episodes into the second. I'm still not sure how I feel about it, perhaps is one of those kind of shows.
I'm watching Homicide on DVD. The first 3 seasons are really good, but that's somewhat a misleading statement, since season two is only four episodes. I just started on S4, but they dumped some of the good characters, so I'm already skeptical about it.

The show is really quite good at following David Simon's book. Almost every case in the book is in the show. I can't really think of a better book to TV adaptation.
Just watched the first season of Deadwood for the second time. I had trouble getting into it the first time since I didn't really know what to expect. Definitely enjoyed it more the second time around and will probably begin the second season soon.
It's very slow and dialogue heavy. More so than probably any show I've ever seen. That's probably why I wasn't able to get into it at first.
Good television exists? I can name only ONE good program in Italy: the investigative and political deepening program "Servizio Pubblico" (Public Service), or the ex "Anno Zero".
Yeah, the best show on TV as far as I'm concerned. The only thing that even comes close is The Sopranos or The Wire (maybe).