The Official Good Television Thread

Just started watching Continuum, very good sci-fi show so far at least. Anyone else seen it?

Also, the main character is this looker:

Also, who's looking forward to season 3 of The Walking Dead?

I was very disappointed about the 2nd season of The Walking Dead, enough to where I've been turned of from the series entirely. Sure, it has its moments, but there's like one per episode. I became so bored with the season that I had to stop watching it 4 episodes in. I feel like every episode could be condensed into 15 minutes and none of the "mood" or whatever it is that the writers are going for would be lost. I also have the feeling that the show is popular merely because of the fact that it is about zombies and the popularity has nothing to do with the actual quality of the story, but that may just be me being resentful toward fads. That being said, I enjoyed the first season.
It actually gets worse? I would have thought with all the hype surrounding the series that it would have at least started to pick up after the first season, which was mostly lame and poorly written.
I was very disappointed about the 2nd season of The Walking Dead, enough to where I've been turned of from the series entirely. Sure, it has its moments, but there's like one per episode. I became so bored with the season that I had to stop watching it 4 episodes in. I feel like every episode could be condensed into 15 minutes and none of the "mood" or whatever it is that the writers are going for would be lost. I also have the feeling that the show is popular merely because of the fact that it is about zombies and the popularity has nothing to do with the actual quality of the story, but that may just be me being resentful toward fads. That being said, I enjoyed the first season.

The show is popular because the show, its writing, acting, and storyline are all solid and of high quality. Season 1 set up the show well, season 2 continued the story well, and season 3 will continue the story even better than before.

It actually gets worse? I would have thought with all the hype surrounding the series that it would have at least started to pick up after the first season, which was mostly lame and poorly written.

Wtf? The show never needed to "pick up" because it is so good. The whole show is very well-written.
Breaking Bad premiere was fantastic obviously, the first 18 minutes were almost frame-by-frame perfect. Psyched as hell for the rest of the season, gonna try and wait for three more episodes to air so I can watch them all at once.

[The Walking Dead] is popular because the show, its writing, acting, and storyline are all solid and of high quality.

Wtf? The show never needed to "pick up" because it is so good. The whole show is very well-written.

The chick fucks her husband's best friend a month after his supposed death. Aside from that ridiculous story arch, the characters are completely dry and uninteresting for the most part. Yeah some real quality writing right there. :rolleyes:
The show is popular because the show, its writing, acting, and storyline are all solid and of high quality. Season 1 set up the show well, season 2 continued the story well, and season 3 will continue the story even better than before.

Wtf? The show never needed to "pick up" because it is so good. The whole show is very well-written.

Here. Read this. It pretty much sums up my thoughts on the show:
I've never heard of this guy before but I love his reviews/lists/whatever. I find his opinions especially agreeable concerning pulpy or low-brow films, always great to see a critic not above enjoying shlock.

Yeah I know him, he's pretty on the ball and has studied and worked in television and film. I like his writing style and generally agree with his opinions.

No reply from AllShallFail of course.