God Of Emptiness
Had avoided Parks & Recreation for no particular reason but am getting into it now. Damn funny show.
So has anyone else catched the revival of Whose Line is it anyway? tonight? I just finished watching both episodes about 2 hours ago, and I don't think I've laughed that much in a long time.
I didn't think Aisha Tyler (She's literally the coolest woman on the planet in my books) could fill Drew's shoes as host, but she fucking nailed it. And Wayne, Colin & Ryan they show no rust whatsoever. Amazing, and I like the idea of bringing in 1 special guest on each episode to involve them with a couple of the segments!
Son of a bitch, man! I was just about to post about that show.
It was super funny. I especially liked that one skit with Colin, Wayne, and the guest lady when they were on the wall doing funny shit.
I hope this revival of the show sticks around for a long time!
You aren't even old enough to appreciate the games that were around before your existence so your opinion really has no weight.
Started watching this on a friend's recommendation
If I ever buy a handheld, it will be the Nintendo DS.
Anyone here watch Justified or the new Hannibal on NBC? I'm looking for a new series to jump into.
Been a solid year of TV so far with Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead both having strong seasons. On top of that we have Dexter and Beaking Bad finishing up. Only other series this year i'm looking forward to is Hell on Wheels, and i'll probaly end up watching Sons of Anarchy too, i always do.
Any Netflix users need to watch Orange is the New Black.
^Welcome back man.