The Official Good Television Thread

I thought I would just watch the new season of Breaking Bad and not bother getting caught up. But I saw a marathon some of the more recent episodes (that aired leading up to the season opener, and I ended up falling asleep before it started.) And I just can't believe how much Walt has done a complete 180 from where he was before. To the point where now I feel like I HAVE to watch the episodes in the middle. Shit's fucking crazy.

Most of the time I get involved with a TV show, it's after it's over... but this show is just too fucking good.
Ha! I suppose I was intrigued by, and hopeful for, a show dealing with the issues of expansion and exceptionalism. Unfortunately, it didn't deliver (in my opinion).
What the fuck are you even questioning? That is the content of the trailer. Ozymandias is a poem by Percy Shelley. Bryan Cranston is reciting it in that trailer.

let's just call me an idiot
i didn't actually watch the trailer
so, somehow, to me, it sounded like you were saying that Bryan Cranston was reciting a poem written by someone named Ozymandias
which, of course didn't make sense
Can't wait for more Breaking Bad. It's fucking rare that I finish a show and this is really keeping its quality till the end. I'm afraid Jesse will die.
I'm waiting for Breaking Bad to finish so that I can marathon the last season because I hate watching shows and anticipating next episode. So annoying.

Anyone watch Orange is the New Black? It's a new Netflix series and it's fucking awesome.
The newest Breaking Bad episode was very disappointing. The writing got so lazy for that episode.


-Hank stopping Jesse from burning down the house was cringeworthy. Yes, they had to meet up somehow, but this was borderline deus ex machina. What was Hank doing there? Stalking Walt? That doesn't make sense. He had just received the video threat, and had to pretty much drop the whole investigation. He knew Walt was out of the business, what was he hoping to find?

-Why would Jesse receive a deal if he confessed in the interrogation room, but all of a sudden his living room confession wasn't worth shit. On that note, how plausible is it that Jesse isn't able to dig up a single shred of evidence for them?

-Finally, if Jesse had the smarts to figure out the whole ricin poisoning just by looking at his cigarette pack on the side of a road, then why did he all of a sudden revert to caveman thinking when he saw a "thug" in a leather jacket a couple feet from Walt. Does he not know Walt at all? Does he really think he's dumb enough to simply hire some beefcake biker and just place him right in front of the bench and then proceed to kill Jesse in broad daylight? The only explanation I have for this is that Jesse had a change of heart at Hank's house, and that he is going to try and help Walt instead now, but then they are reverting to 24-style misleading with all the shots of him glancing at the biker dude. That's just cheap suspense.


I hope they can keep up the quality of the first 3 episodes of the season, they were excellent.
The newest Breaking Bad episode was very disappointing. The writing got so lazy for that episode.


-Hank stopping Jesse from burning down the house was cringeworthy. Yes, they had to meet up somehow, but this was borderline deus ex machina. What was Hank doing there? Stalking Walt? That doesn't make sense. He had just received the video threat, and had to pretty much drop the whole investigation. He knew Walt was out of the business, what was he hoping to find?
Remember last week, when Hank left work early after pulling Gomez and his men off of trailing Jesse? Hank went straight to Saul's and was following Jesse. He must have seen him take the gasoline into the house. This was not a stretch of logic in any sense
-Why would Jesse receive a deal if he confessed in the interrogation room, but all of a sudden his living room confession wasn't worth shit. On that note, how plausible is it that Jesse isn't able to dig up a single shred of evidence for them?

-Finally, if Jesse had the smarts to figure out the whole ricin poisoning just by looking at his cigarette pack on the side of a road, then why did he all of a sudden revert to caveman thinking when he saw a "thug" in a leather jacket a couple feet from Walt. Does he not know Walt at all? Does he really think he's dumb enough to simply hire some beefcake biker and just place him right in front of the bench and then proceed to kill Jesse in broad daylight? The only explanation I have for this is that Jesse had a change of heart at Hank's house, and that he is going to try and help Walt instead now, but then they are reverting to 24-style misleading with all the shots of him glancing at the biker dude. That's just cheap suspense.
Jesse is extremely paranoid right now, and he's justified in fearing for his life.

I mostly agree that it wasn't a great episode though, especially compared to Confession.
-Finally, if Jesse had the smarts to figure out the whole ricin poisoning just by looking at his cigarette pack on the side of a road, then why did he all of a sudden revert to caveman thinking when he saw a "thug" in a leather jacket a couple feet from Walt. Does he not know Walt at all? Does he really think he's dumb enough to simply hire some beefcake biker and just place him right in front of the bench and then proceed to kill Jesse in broad daylight? The only explanation I have for this is that Jesse had a change of heart at Hank's house, and that he is going to try and help Walt instead now, but then they are reverting to 24-style misleading with all the shots of him glancing at the biker dude. That's just cheap suspense.

I thought this was covered when he was talking to Hank? Obviously he thought of some idea that isn't known to us yet, right?