The official metal 2010 thread!

Gonna be a fucking great album if the EP is any indication!! Fans of newer Amorphis take note.
And why not the older ones too, the line-up includes Laine and Mårtenson ;) There was a pre-listening session of the album at the EP release party, and it sounds great from what I've heard.

Blacklodge - T/ME


Abigor - Time is the Sulphur in the Veins of the Saint

2010 is gonna be a good year :kickass:
I really want to know what Dead Congregation is doing right now.

They're alright. I'm not really into the Immolation/Incantation thing. I listen to Dawn of Possession and Onward To Golgotha and the 2 albums after once in awile and they're not some of my favorite US DM albums let alone Death Metal as a whole genre.
Dark Tranquillity - We Are The Void


Europe: March 1st
USA: March 2nd

1. At The Point Of Ignition
2. Dream Oblivion
3. The Fatalist
4. Life Without
5. Zero Distance
6. Her Silent Language
7. Shadow In Our Blood
8. Surface The Infinite
9. The Grandest Accusation
10. I Am The Void
11. Iridium​
Definitely, I think it will still be a good buy for the devout Abigor fans.

Glorior Belli is working on a new one...maybe a 2010 release?
I liked Klagopsalmer so looking forward to this:


Swedish Extreme Metallers SHINING have completed work on their seventh album and have today revealed details and cover art (see photo below). Scheduled for release on Indie Recordings in March/April 2010, the 6-track album will have the title “SHINING VII - FÖDD FÖRLORARE” (Born Loser). Track listing as follows:

1. Förtvivlan, Min Arvedel
2. Tiden Läker Inga Sår
3. Människa O'Avskyvärda Människa
4. Tillsammans Är Vi Allt
5. I Nattens Timma
6. FFF

According to founder and front man NIKLAS KVARFORTH (SKITLIV), with “Född Förlorare” SHINING will “take a deep dive into the darkest of all musical genres you could imagine”. Making guest appearances on the album are ERIK DANIELSSON (WATAIN), PETER BJÄRGÖ (ARCANA) and NORDMAN.

SHINING is due to tour Europe with SATYRICON in December, and confirmed that they will be appearing at the Metalfest Open Air Festivals in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in May 2010. The band is currently waiting for the work permit and visa approvals that will enable them to join the US tour with BEHEMOTH in January, and will announce dates as soon as approvals have been confirmed.

More information about SHINING can be found on the band’s MySpace page at "
Big news, we finally have a release date for the new Orphaned Land: 26 January 2010.

New logo (which looks awesome), artwork, track listing and samples available on their website, as well as some really gay looking photos of the band.


[Part I: Godfrey's Cordial - An ORphan's Life]
01. Sapari
02. From Broken Vessels
03. Bereft In The Abyss
04. The Path Part 1 - Treading Through Darkness
05. The Path Part 2 - The Pilgrimage To Or Shalem
06. Olat Ha'tamid

[Part II: Lips Acquire Stains - The WarriOR Awakens]
07. The Warrior
08. His Leaf Shall Not Wither
09. Disciples Of The Sacred Oath II
10. New Jerusalem
11. Vayehi Or
12. M I ?

[Part III: Barakah - Enlightening The Cimmerian]
13. Barakah
14. Codeword: Uprising
15. In Thy Never Ending Way (Epilogue)