The Official Movie Thread

so. Its not in the movie. Go see it!

Dude. I mean, do you actually take it seriously? Stallone may say he's capturing the conflict in Burma, but you fucking know it's just another way to stage a Vietnam-esque situation. It's just Rambo killing Asians AGAIN, for an hour and a half. And of course it'll be fucking awesome, but I have a feeling that you don't mean it in a Kitschy way. :erk:
I just got done watching The Royal Tenenbaums. Excellent movie. I dont think anything can top the suicide scene with "Needle In The Hay" by Elliott Smith playing in the background. With well crafted film. I highly suggest this to everyone.
Planning to go and see Sweeney Todd next weekend. Or maybe Atonement if its still showing (really random... was playing at midday a few months after its release. Maybe I should have gone to see it...)
Save your money and wait for Sweeney on DVD to rent out... as for Atonement... great great movie... go see it... worth the money...

I also hate musicals. I'd rather see an opera.
you and me both.... I saw Sweeney in the theaters and was falling asleep though for a musical Johnny Depp was good...
just saw 'i drink your blood'

basically, its a 70s zombie movie, but not. a bunch of satan worshipping hippies come into a small town and cause hell. to get back at them, a kid puts rabies infected blood in their food. said hippies turn into frothing at the mouths killers, and spread their rabies to other people.

fun stuff
I saw No Country For Old Men tonight. It was fantastic. Just a hair worse than There Will Be Blood but still awesome. Javier Bardam (is that his name?) should win the Oscar for sure.

It was actually quite an experience that led my friend and I to see this movie tonight. When I had gone to see There Will Be Blood last week they were giving out free passes to an advance screening of Blindness. I beat the system by not only getting two free passes, but not giving out my phone number (I actually don't know it, but it worked out well for me this time).

Anyway we get to the theater and the screening is full, so they are giving out free passes to No Country For Old Men or Atonement. Since we don't have vaginas we wanted to see No Country. So we hiked for 40 minutes through freezing winds to a different theater. We got there 5 minutes before the next showing of No Country and managed to see a awesome movie for free! :kickass: