The Official Movie Thread

A list of movies I've recently watched and enjoyed. Feel free to leave your thoughts.

There Will Be Blood (should've won Best Picture)
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (hilarious)
A Clockwork Orange (Stanley Kubrick is a cinematographic genius)
Little Miss Sunshine (surprisingly engaging)
Shakespeare In Love
A Knight's Tale
The Crucible (watched it last year, but didn't realize that Daniel Day-Lewis was in it)

By the way, what the fuck is up with Superbad? That was probably the biggest piece of cinematic shit I've ever seen. :erk:
A Clockwork Orange (Stanley Kubrick is a cinematographic genius)

If you wanna see his true visual masterpiece (IMO) check out Barry Lyndon, there's really nothing like it. It's pretty long and the violence is no where near the level of some of his other stuff, but for me it was extremely good and interesting.
I still think that Braveheart has some of the best battle effects. I mean, there's almost no CGI in that movie at all.

There are a lot of movies that have great effects without any CGI at all. I miss the good old days where having your reflection coming out of the mirror and grab you(Evil Dead II) cutting a hole in the wall building the set in reverse on the other side, and having a similar looking person grab the actor.

Though if you wanna see really great CGI (for it's invisibility, not "stunning visuals") Robert Rodriquez is one of the best in that department. He CGI'd some motor cycles into Once Upon A Time In Mexico and a truck in Planet Terror, that you'd never know were CGI without him telling you.
Kubrick is great. Not to be a prick but much of his stuff has a deliberate art cinema vibe to it, so you may not be familiar with the aesthetic if you are just used to Hollywood fare.

I just saw American Psycho last week; very smart film. I was actually surprised at just how good it was. It was so good in fact that it inspired me to write a paper about Marxism and Postmodernism around it.
I took film in HS so I know all about that crap. Citizen Kane is a terrible movie too, doesnt make it a good movie because the guy shot at different angles etc.
god damn overrated borng as hell movie.


Kubrick is great. Not to be a prick but much of his stuff has a deliberate art cinema vibe to it, so you may not be familiar with the aesthetic if you are just used to Hollywood fare.

I just saw American Psycho last week; very smart film. I was actually surprised at just how good it was. It was so good in fact that it inspired me to write a paper about Marxism and Postmodernism around it.