The Official Movie Thread

The Boondock Saints fucking sucks. Ultimate nerdy bro-dude cock fest, absolutely banal and without value. And a sequel? The proverbial circle jerk will bring out the best in world genetics, for sure.

I'm really glad the Coen Brothers are back on the ball with their newest film, I can't wait to see it considering the response it garnered. There Will Be Blood is also on my list, PT Anderson hasn't made a mistake yet (although Magnolia was not quite as good as his other films).

I've been watching a lot of Film Noir lately and can't decide whether Out of the Past or The Maltese Falcon are the best of the lot. I do prefer Mitchum to Bogart though.
I thought I Am Legend was good.

Maybe I'm more of a movie snob. I dunno. Plot holes, crappy and overused CGI, and not enough explanation on the virus. The whole movie seemed "dumbed down for Americans" to me. Hollywood gets away with this far too often but we are the ones that flock to shitstorms like "Epic Movie" and "Meet The Spartans" so we get what we deserve :p
I saw The Savages Tuesday night. It was decent and pretty depressing. Made me miss my dad
I watched Let's Rock Again, the Joe Strummer documentary. He was a cool dude. Thinking about getting some of his solo stuff.
I saw that a while back on YouTube...tbh, very little about the band (who seem to be pretty mediocre). Still, I'd buy their album just to support the fact that they're doing that shit and having to deal with all that shit...
Hitman - A movie based on a game where No. 47 was adept at blending in with his surroundings yet it only had him change clothes once. At least there was a fair amount of blood and violence in it.

In The Valley of Elah - It was pretty good but a bit confusing.
Hitman - A movie based on a game where No. 47 was adept at blending in with his surroundings yet it only had him change clothes once. At least there was a fair amount of blood and violence in it.

As a big fan of the games i want this movie to be awesome,havent seen it yet. Though from what i´ve seen in the trailer the guy who plays 47 is way too young,i picture 47 in his late thirties or early fourties. Jason Statham would have fit better in my opinion.