The Official Movie Thread

Donnie Darko was great, and the sequel will most likely suck, but you never know. Occasionally they get them right.
I really don't give a shit about Donnie Darko and all that shit. Why would I watch overhyped crap like that when I can pop in a fucking Herzog or Kurosawa film?

then hopefully


I really don't give a shit about Donnie Darko and all that shit. Why would I watch overhyped crap like that when I can pop in a fucking Herzog or Kurosawa film?

You are completely right! I never should have posted an update about Donnie Darko specifically addressing you. I probably should have made it a general statement to the board rather than wondering whether you "give it a shit" about the sequel. Hopefully I won't make such a mistake next time...
Looks like Richard Kelly actually has very little to do with this "S. Darko". I suspect it will be quite bad. Too much of the originality of the first one will be gone for it to have any chance. Not to mention that the timeline will place it in 2006, which sucks out the 1988 setting that added so much to DD.