The Official Movie Thread

yeah i know, no country's still full of black humour though

'the road' is being done by john hillcoat who did 'the proposition' which sucked, so i'm not exactly excited. it's such a difficult book to film. bet it won't be released this year either.

ridley scott's supposed to be doing 'blood meridian' but i dunno if that's actually going to happen, not sure if i want it to or not :/
See, I liked The Proposition, so I'm kind of psyched. But as I read the book, I can't help but imagine that it's going to be a difficult adaptation, so that makes me a bit nervous.

Nick Cave is doing the soundtrack too, like he did for The Proposition.
there aren't any non-comedy coen movies really, but yeah, their screwball stuff is sometimes annoying. my favourite coen movies after 'no country' are 'barton fink' and 'the man who wasnt there' - watch them if you haven't already.
Well I've seen No Country and Miller's Crossing and I wouldn't call them comedies, but they do have some humor in them which I tend to like. It's just when comedy is their main goal it doesn't tend to work for me.
I'm thinking about renting either Clockwork Orange or Bonnie & Clyde. what one
I went to this german film festival in Santa Monica the other day and watched this film called Cherry Blossoms...what an amazing movie. Very emotional. If you want a good movie that'll make you a weepy mess, definitely check it out

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Starship Troopers 3:Marauder - Still retained a lot of the campy stuff that made the first famous. Special effects were sworse than the original but I had to let it slide because it was Starship Troopers. Kinda gay plot too.

Speed Racer - A beautifully shot movie but falls somewhat flat. I rented on Blu Ray for the visuals alone. Laughed a couple of times.

An American Crime - Film based on one of the worst child abuse cases in history. It got the job done without showing too much brutality but the truth of what really happened would have driven the point home better.
Just finished watching Altered States. The film dazzles with mind-numbing visuals and psychedelic hallucinations, but I'm still not quite sure of my take on the movie.

But now I know where Godflesh got their album artwork for Streetcleaner.
Just finished watching Altered States. The film dazzles with mind-numbing visuals and psychedelic hallucinations, but I'm still not quite sure of my take on the movie.

It was a fucking weird film. I wasn't sure what I thought of it either at first, but I've actually come to not really care for it. As far as 80s/early 90s horror psych films go, I'm a fan of Jacob's Ladder.
if you have movie channels videodrome is on all the time, one of the encore ones I think. I think it's on every night...personally it has a cool story to it but I don't care for it
Just finished watching The Crippled Masters, if anyone here is a fan of the crippled sub-genre of martial arts films, this is one of the best. The two main characters are actually crippled rather than just having a guy with his arm tied behind his back or something. Definitely adds a new level of realism and awesomeness to crippled kung fu films. Also a solid martial arts film in general.

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^ So there's actually a whole sub-genre dedicated to crippled martial arts? Cool. Then you should like the anime Shigurui, about a blind samurai and a one armed samurai.
I dunno, I haven't really been into anime as much lately. And part of the appeal of Crippled Masters, is there are actual cripples doing it.