The Official Movie Thread

Just finished watching a sick gore fest called Inside. A French film with subtitles. About some whacked out bitch that breaks into a pregnant girls house and tortures her. Fucking gory as all hell but not bad.

Fuckin Netflix rules. Movies in the mail everyday....
Just finished watching this awesome danish movie called Blinkende Lygter for the second time. A beautiful drama with lots of black humour.

It's about four criminals who come upon a suitcase containing 4 millions. They decide to run off to Barcelona with the money but their car breaks down and they end up living in the ruins of an old restaurant somewhere in a forest.
You talkin' a' me? I said ARE YOU TALKIN' A' Me? I DON'T SEE ANYBODY ELSE HERE!

Mathias, I'd recommend you do your paper on Se7en. I've always wanted to write a paper on that movie.
Yeah it's not that confusing. I thought Nolan's use of the cut-up schtick was more effective in his first film, "Following"...a much better and interesting film
I liked Sixth Sense the best. Unbreakable started out interesting, but overall it's just meh. Superheroes look silly to me outside of animated films.